Stress In The Workplace

If you have ever worked in a place where you have to deal with the general public, chances are high that you have had to deal with a customer and it hasn’t gone the way that you planned. For anyone with Autism, interaction with other people for long periods of time can be quite the challenge and to have to do it everyday of the week, that’s really difficult! I myself find myself needing to have some time to myself because it can leave me feeling run down and stressed after a while so time to recharge is vital.

It can be tough to have to be social in the workplace with Autism which may be why you always find articles saying that so many people who have it are unemployed because it isn’t their strong point, having to deal with so many people in a day can be strenuous and sometimes…impossible! On some days I feel like I need a minute or two to just catch my breath but that was more when I’m starting at a place but after a while, things settle down and I feel like it’s not such a challenge anymore but it’s those first few months that are the challenge.

I have worked a few jobs and all of them have included interacting with the general public for long periods of time and for a little bit, I worked at a fast food restaurant. I’ll be honest, it had a few more negatives than it had good and it wasn’t because of the job title, what I was required to or anything like that but of how others interpreted it as and how I was viewed by others. No job should be beneath us in any way but because so many of us look down on certain jobs, the people that do them for a living or mock and called stupid daily, to which I will say is sad because we are all humans and many are not fortunate or lucky enough to be in positions where such high paying work is accessible, some have to spend years working hard up the ladder.

I remember an incident that happened in my final week at this place and I’ll share it with you here because it’s good to share certain experiences with people. I was on the till that day and so far, it had been an easy morning, the customers had all been friendly and easy to deal with but as you all know, someone is bound to of had a bad day somewhere and you would have to deal with them at some point but for me, I didn’t directly interact with this gentleman but a new worker whose first day was this one had the pleasure of handling her first angry customer, I was on the till next to her. It’s something that made me realize that whilst most people are genuine and kind, you will always get that one customer…you know the one I mean.

Worker: Hello and welcome to … how may I help you today?

Customer: Give me a large burger meal with no pickles please and don’t skimp on the sauce!

Worker: Certainly and what drink would you like?

Customer: I don’t care, lemonade or whatever?

Worker: Will 7 Up do?


She rings up his order and he pays before standing impatiently for about two minutes before his meal arrives and he grabs the bag and storms off. I remember the disgruntled look on his face as my co worker tried to keep a smile on her face, I could tell that his tone had gotten to her. 

Me: Don’t get down about it, we’ve all had one of them, don’t let it ruin your day

She smiled and seemed to move on from the moment and started serving a family before a minute or so later, the customer from before comes storming back in and storms over to my co worker, slamming his receipt and bag on her counter, startling the family who were having a friendly chat with her.

Customer: You think your funny, don’t you?

Worker: Excuse me?

He throttles the food bag in front of her face, some fries fall out onto the counter. 

Customer: I wanted to have no pickles on my bloody burger, are you deaf or something?

Worker: I’m…I’m so sorry about that sir, I’ll sort that out for you once I finished this customers order

Customer: I don’t care about that little brat or her sprogs! I pay your damn wages and I demand that you get me a brand new burger!

Worker: Of course but I’m already half way through this family’s order, it will just take a moment.

Customer: Are you wrong in the head, I’m not waiting for anyone, either give me a new burger, PICKLE FREE! or refund my money!

Worker: I know but-

Customer: GET ON WITH IT!

Me: Sir, I can sort you out.

Customer: I’m not asking you, shes the one who f***** up!

Me: Sir, we have children present, please don’t swear!

Customer: The customer is always right! Don’t tell me what I can or can’t say!

A Queue was forming, meaning that they were all coming over to my till, which made me even busier but it wasn’t my co workers fault, sure she made a mistake but he could wait a minute at least. She was slightly shaking, I thought she was about to cry. 

Me: (under my breath) You know you can just take the pickles off right? 

Mother: It’s fine, I don’t think we’re hungry anymore…it’s not your fault though.

The children looked disappointed as they were leaving. The customer grinned, like he was satisfied and stood right in front of my co worker. The other customers were getting angry with him, mumbling amongst one another.

Customer: You messed up, are you an idiot? Was school to hard for you so you ended up here?

Co Worker: No…I go to college!

Customer: Sure you do…people who are smart do important jobs whilst the scraps work here or clean!

Me: Sir, if you keep on going with this, I’ll have to ask you to leave.

Customer: Let me see your manager!

The manager was working on some meals but could hear everything from the back and he wandered over to the front, meaning that production will slow down. 

Manager: Sir, she has already said she will sort you out once she finished serving with her current customer, the one you drove away! I apologize that you order was not sorted correctly but you have no need to cause a ruckus like this onto everyone else!

Customer: I only asked for extra sauce and no pickles, it isn’t rocket science! Burgers aren’t hard to make!

Manager: I understand that sir but it is her first day, the odd mistake will happen…I’ll get your new burger and even refund your money as well for the inconvenience.

Before any of this could be done, he looked over at my co worker who looked intimidated, I remember her looking down to the black trainers she had on, avoiding his disturbing gaze.

Customer: Say sorry to me, right now!

Manager: That’s enough now!

Customer: I demand an apology, for her gender’s stupidity! (He genuinely said that!)

Me: For real?

The Manager paused and turned around, he was fed up now and looked prepared to remove the customer from the premises. 

Worker: …I’m sorry

I remember that look of satisfaction on his face as she looked like a hole was about to swallow her up. I felt disgusted that a human being was getting satisfaction out of all of this, one little error and all of this had to occur? He picked up the bag with the first burger in it and stared at it for a moment or so, we all looked puzzled at him.

Customer: Here’s to a stupid failure of society, a b**** doomed to work a dead end job forever for she is too stupid to do anything of worth.

Before I knew it, my face was met with his discarded burger, all over my face, I still remember the smell of the sauce and the burger as it slid onto the ground, I almost lost my cool and jumped the counter but held back…I still don’t know how. 

Needless to say, he was kicked out of the store, I’ll remember the screeching of the tires from his car as he drove away. The last thing I remember about that co worker was her running to the back, crying her eyes out, I didn’t see her after that but once I had wiped the remains of that burger from my face…I was given a few minutes to calm down before resuming with my work.

I think its sad that some people go to extreme measures because of a small issue here and there, when remaining calm and explaining the situation will more than likely resolve it, is there any need to go of the handle and utterly humiliate someone on the first day…because of pickles and before you ask, he wasn’t allergic to them, he muttered that during the process of ordering, something about not liking the texture or something, all he had to do was wait a moment and I know people have places to be but the world doesn’t revolve around one person! We all have places to go man!

Moments like this can happen and it always amazes me how some people lose their cool over such things, I know that mistakes can happen in a shop, restaurant or other business etc But is losing your cool and acting like a child going to change anything, especially since everyone video records most things nowadays so your going to end up on the internet and besides that, the employees will just talk about you in a negative way afterwards anyway. Is resolving a matter in a calm matter on both sides not possible or something, I mean type in customers vs employees on YouTube and have a blast!

Autism In The Workplace

Today I talk about Autism and work, now from what I hear and read about this topic is that the two do not click very well or in other words, many people with Autism struggle to get a job, let alone hold one down. I have had a few jobs from being a teenager and have had many different experiences through them all, some good and a few bad and I left a job because I got all too much for me to handle but that was for more than just handling angry customers.

What is it that holds so many people back from getting a paid job when they have Autism? The fear of dealing with people? A lack of understanding from an employer? Maybe it’s both in a way, I mean school was a struggle enough, why would going out into a working place be any different when you won’t know who you are working with? Every article I read, it says that a low per cent of adults with Autism will be able to work a full time job or even live by themselves, especially those with high functioning Autism and it can be a little frustrating to read stuff like this because it isn’t a confidence booster so many years ago, I fell of the wagon and didn’t think like that…I didn’t read the articles stating that everyone with Autism was the same, I didn’t even think about Autism and I got on with my life.

When I moved in with my wife in 2014, I needed to find a job so I took the first job that responded to me and that was a fast food restaurant on the edge of town, it was money and that’s all I was bothered about…at the time. At first, everything was fine and dandy but some of the rules the place had were very stressful and you had to be up and running all day long, you couldn’t slow down for a second and it was very bad for my health, I resorted to Kalm tablets to not lose control and snap because it was slowly bringing me down over time. An example was that you had to not be a pound down in your till or it’s a mark against you and if you got so many, they got rid of you but what they don’t tell you is that while your working and serving customers, another worker might take something from your till…to teach you a lesson! It’s busy as heck and when your focusing on 3 to 5 customers at a time, that’s what they are bothered about! A few of my tills were down and that added to my stress and not to mention the customers who would make you feel small and how they’d brag that they were successful etc You see that a lot in most jobs to be fair though! 

I left that place after a month because I just wasn’t myself anymore, I wasn’t happy at all and people noticed my change in attitude, I just didn’t want to do anything whatsoever so for my health and happiness, I chose to leave and work a little bit closer to home. Working with the public has it’s up and downs but it’s fine most of the time yet you will get the occasional person who tries to ruin your day, mostly because they are already in a bad mood.

I have worked in a cafe before as well and that was on and off as you would occasionally get the angry customer who complained over the slightest detail, I even had one moan because I was Autistic…that was the last time I told someone I thought was friendly that I had it and they moaned because one of their neighbours has it and is always loud and throws things so they assumed I was the same and demanded someone else to serve them…it was humiliating, I’ll admit but I got over it in time but an experience like that can crush confidence because of the lack of understanding with some people can hamper a day and make you want to go home and quit.

Nowadays, I do just fine with a job and mine includes dealing with the general public on a daily basis! That sounds like it would be really tough for someone like me to have to talk to people all day long but to be honest, it’s fine most of the time! In a way, I just stopped letting people get to me and ruin my day, what’s the point of letting one or two people get to you if they think they are above you? I just shrug it off but I used to struggle to get over a comment made by someone, I won’t see them again anyway so why let it get you down? I mean I was once complained about for saying the following to a customer

”I don’t think Donald Trump should be president” – 2016

Now I live in England people! Yet someone got offended by my opinion on anothe countries presidential election…because you can’t have an opinion in this day and age because someone will be offended by it to the point that they have to say something…what a sad world we live in! I don’t remember this in the 90’s, just makes me realise why I’d hate to be labelled a ‘Millennial’ because everyone just moans about them…I can see why! I mean I heard that Britain wanted ‘Pregnant Woman’ to be changed to ‘Pregnant People’ because it is offensive to Transgender people, don’t believe me, look at the blue link by the Guardian the point being is that people get offended by the strangest of things and at work, you tread on egg shells as what to talk about!

Jobs are hard and having to deal with people has ups and downs but it’s not something that I dread anymore…I’m used to it because you will get bad customers but you will also get so many more good customers who brighten your day and make you smile, I mean I’ve had many customers come to me because of my smile or because I make their day and that makes me happy so it’s worth it, I have my regulars and some have even bought me a bottle of champagne before my wedding!

Sounds silly but I just stopped thinking about Autism when I’m in work, I know I’m capable and I don’t need a label to hold me back because it only holds me back via how others react to it, not me personally so I don’t think about it at all and yes I have moments where I come close to a meltdown and I over think everything to the point I’m told not to worry but that’s life, I earn all my victories by myself…in other words, I peeled my label off.

Jobs are hard and can be challenging but if you don’t believe the hype that people with Autism can’t handle very much and you just do your best, then no one can ask any more from you, don’t do anything that you will find damaging for your health, try something that will make you feel comfortable and an environment that will make you happy…preferably one that is good for dealing with people with disabilities but it’s not impossible for someone with Autism to get a job, far from it…don’t let what you have hamper or stop any dreams that you have, after all…it’s all down to you at the end of the day if you let it get to you or not…no one else is responsible for that so don’t let it stop you, let it encourage you and push you forward in this world, let it make you happy!

When Life Gets You Down…

”If you have a degree…why do you work in a supermarket?”

Have you ever had a moment where someone says something to you that makes you ask yourself…have I made all the right decisions in life…or am I a failure at it?

I am a 27 years old man with mild Autism and for most of my life, it has felt like an uphill battle and that’s just to prove that I can do even the most basic of tasks as many have cast doubts on me since day one and part of me feels my childhood was one where I never had time to decide what I really would like to do with my life, I was too busy being asked what was wrong with me for so many years…it turned out I had Autism.

With Autism can come labels from everyone which include

  • Anti Social
  • No Jobs
  • Not being married
  • Never having sex
  • Living with Parents
  • No expectations

However, since I turned 16, I feel like I was able to do things for myself, such as making decisions about my life and since then, I have done the following.

  • Married
  • Had sex
  • Have a 2:1  University degree and an award for Overall Achievement
  • Have a job
  • Have good friends and family
  • Have had a short story published in a competition

That doesn’t sound bad in my honest opinion but my job is working in a supermarket and that was because of money…it was cheaper to move back to where my girlfriend lived then stay in the city where I went to University and at the time, not many places were hiring…that included being at McDonald’s for a month but I didn’t like that so I left and went to a supermarket in town where I am still to this day, I enjoy it…the staff are nice and most of the customers are as well but after a while you wonder what you are doing with your life.

I want to be an author someday, have my stories be in stores and online, I can dream right? I mean I did enter a contest in University and had my story go into a book with other writers…better than nothing right? Yet when that customer said the quote at the top of this blog…I couldn’t help but feel…ashamed…like it was bad to be working in such a place when I had a degree…she would go on to say how her daughter was a solicitor…which was nice and all but when people rub it in your face…you struggle to keep the smile on your face because 9/10 people are nice but you always get that 1 who is in a mood, boastful or just ignores you the entire transaction.

I always tell myself that it won’t be forever, I’ll get somewhere else someday because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life at the tills…I know people who have been in that place since before I was born which is alright for them but not for me, I want to try and do more with my life…but will my Autism hold me back? Will others see it as a hindrance as they did once in my childhood?

Me and my wife have talked about wanting to start a family soon but I feel so nervous about that because of how I am…I would be gutted if my children grow up to see me the way I am…I don’t want them to look at me with pity someday because of my job or something…I want them to be proud! For all I know, I could be worrying over nothing and overtime, I’ll go on to better things…who knows maybe I’ll get that book published and feel like I’ve found my calling because at one point in my life, I was told I would amount to nothing by those around me, made to feel like I would never grab that brass ring and do anything meaningful with my life.

When it is my time to leave this world, I want to know that I didn’t waste my life…that I didn’t listen to the doubters and that I left my mark in someway. Maybe I just need to cheer up a little…I mean I haven’t blogged as much in a while…life getting on top of me I guess! I have to keep going though…writing is everything to me…it was the one thing that kept me going through all the dark days. Not able to put words to a canvas of any kind would be soul crushing for me! I feel like someday…I’ll write something that will leave a mark on everyone in some way…I don’t know what it could be but I always just have that…feeling.

The Experiences Of Mrs Stump

Mrs Stump works in a local supermarket because he needs money to live….Mrs Stump however has a habit where he will say something controversial at the most inappropriate of moments

Let’s say it’s a Monday morning and it’s rather busy as the store only has five open tills and the queues are long. Mrs Stump is trying his best to put on a smile and be positive but at every turn, events seem to get in the way and test this. Here are some of his lovely customers who I am sure will all be kind, patient and understanding!

Let us begin with two customers who arrive at the same time, Mr Stump assumes that they are together, Mrs Stump should ask though but her mind goes off with an important topic.

Mrs Stump: I’m just saying…Brexit is a stupid idea…I voted remain and would do so again…to not isolate ourselves from our European cousins is horrendous and could make or break the next couple of generations….what right do we have to make that decision for them, do we leave them a mess to clean up or a proper united continent that is stable and safe for us all.

Customer 1: Could you serve me please?

(Mrs Stump begins to scan items)

Mrs Stump: Do you have your points card

(The second customer hands over a points card, Mr Stump scans it assuming they are together, the first customer sees this)

Mrs Stump: Are you two together?

Customer 1: No…I couldn’t afford mine and her shopping

(Mrs Stump finishes scanning the items and rounds up the total, the first customer hands over a points card) 

Mrs Stump: Then why did she hand over her card to me when I was serving you?

Customer 1: Do you know what your doing?

Mrs Stump: Do you?

Customer 1: Excuse me?

Mrs Stump: Well you clearly watched her hand me a points card and said nothing about it, now your biting my head off because I can’t scan yours….what did you expect would happen?

(The purchase is complete but Mrs Stump is unable to take off the other customer’s points card)

Mrs Stump: Have a good day sir!

(Customer 1 leaves. Customer 2 hands over points card like nothing had happened, a bit grumpy)

Mrs Stump: What just happened?


Later in the day, Mrs Stump begins to think that her day can get better when a customer on her phone comes onto her till. She immediately begins to roll her eyes at how this could turn out.

Customer: Hello

Mrs Stump: Good Afternoon, would you like any bags?

(Customer says nothing)

Mrs Stump scans the small shop and rounds up the total.

Mrs Stump: And that will be 42 quid please, would you like any bags?

Customer: Cash card please

Mrs Stump: Excuse me?

Customer: Cash card…please

Mrs Stump: Would you like to purchase a cash card?


(Customer points to debit card)

Mrs Stump: Ok, calm down…why didn’t you say so.

Customer rolls eyes, pays and leaves. Mrs Stump mimics her face as she leaves.

Mrs Stump: Seriously, what is today?

Mrs Stump was a little agitated by the day she was having, she had apparently been receiving all the grumpy customers that had nothing better to do than make life hard for someone trying to earn a living. The thought of her naughty customers made her roll her eyes that it really did not take much to agitate some people.

Mrs Stump: It’s like some people come into a supermarket with a superiority complex, just to make people who work here miserable or something, like they have nothing better to do and this makes them feel good or something, kind of pathetic really!

After lunch, Mrs Stump felt more confident and was ready to put the start behind her and finish off strong! She had many nice customers throughout the day but this was to be short lived as a rather large angry looking man came onto her till.

Mrs Stump: Hel-

Customer: God, don’t you know how to greet a customer?

Mrs Stump was taken aback by this, she hadn’t even said a whole word and was already been shouted at, this was a new record.

Mrs Stump:…Hello sir

Customer: Hurry up, my time’s more important than yours.

Mrs Stump: (under her breath) True…McDonald’s is just down the street

Customer: Did you say something, speak up!

Mrs Stump: Do you need any help packing?

Customer: No…I can do a better job than you anyway!

Mrs Stump begins to scan items but as she is doing so, she can hear groans from the customer as he mutters under his breath .

Mrs Stump: Is everything alright sir


Mrs Stump remains silent as she finishes scanning items and rounds up the total.

Mrs Stump: 62.80

Customer: Why is it so expensive?

Mrs Stump: Well you did buy 3 bottles of whisky and a brand new DVD

Customer: Your so useless, retard!


Boss: Mr Stump, you have received a complaint!

Mrs Stump: Really, what for?

Boss: We were told by a rather angry customer that you didn’t help them pack their bags, is this true?

Mrs Stump: I’ve had so many customers in the last half an hour, I might have forgotten to ask every single customer that question, I apologize!

Boss: The customer had a bad arm

Mrs Stump: Was it broken?

Boss: Yes.

Mrs Stump: Oh, I remember them, I asked her if she would like help and she never responded….not to mention that she had her husband with her so I thought he was going to help her.

Boss: Did you offer help?

Mrs Stump: Yes…I think but the husband could have done something.

Boss: That’s not for you to think

Mrs Stump: If he was behind this counter, he’d be in f****** trouble

Boss: Also, they complained that you said Donald Trump shouldn’t be the President of the United States.

Mrs Stump: Bloody hell!

You’ll get them next time Mrs Stump, you’ll get them next time!

Autism In The Workplace

Warning- Opinions in this blog are the bloggers only and are not meant to be taken as fact so he advises that if not shared then take with a grain of salt. More to life than getting upset over a strangers opinion if you ask me. But he hopes you enjoy reading the blog regardless.  

Hello everyone, it’s your DailyPickMeUp and today I am talking about Autism in the Workplace and that includes having a job and what it can be like, the stress it can cause and that really, most people without knowing will assume that most people with Autism would struggle to even have a job when it isn’t true but it helps if employers know.


It is widely believed that anyone who is Autistic would not be able to cope in the workplace as it can require contact with people from start to finish, depending on which line of work you are in. Is this a reasonable thing to think? I can understand why people might think this because it is widely thought that anyone with Autism can’t cope socially and struggle incredibly but that varies as everyone with Autism is different really so some might actually struggle in a social environment like an office or say a supermarket whereas others might not mind it at all.

Regardless, you’ll get both…some won’t mind but others will and that is something that needs to be understood by everyone, that not everyone that is Autistic is the same which is widely assumed. I say that because every time that I hear someone talk about Autism, they never say that some or a few might struggle socially or with a job but as a whole, everyone apparently can’t cope with a job and I always wonder why just because one or two people that someone knows with Autism might struggle somewhat, that everyone else does as well, is it just easier to assume?


I have read about other people who have written about not being able to get jobs and they feel that it could be down to what they have or if they have a job, that it is a massive cause of stress for them and it’s a constant uphill struggle which I can somewhat relate to because it was once like that for me but once I grew used to it all, it didn’t really affect me anymore, so perhaps it could be a case of giving it time and settling in?

When I work, some people are aware I have Autism which is fine because it is me that lets them know, I feel comfortable in what I do and I will admit, I struggled at first but now feel fine and can do my work without worrying what people will think of me because of what I have. I did get one comment though a year or so ago when someone found out I have Autism, it went a little bit like this-

‘Why did you take a job then?’

To me, it was like they were asking why someone with Autism would take a job where they have to interact socially day in and day out with people. I wasn’t sure how to feel about that but I wasn’t really surprised that someone would say that to me because, some people just think like that so I decided to not get mad as it’s sadly expected in this day and age to assume that one equals all, if one does it…we all apparently do it. Of course, we know it’s not true and I don’t really care what anyone else thinks, I just go in and do my best every single day.

I always take a drink of water and a few sweets with me to pass the time and it helps me feel calm as well, in other words I do things that I know will keep me happy and calm because I don’t want to start over thinking things and getting stressed out because that just makes the day feel even longer and might cause me a meltdown which I do not want at all!


I do however worry about me not always talking, I can be quite quiet at times and I do worry that my colleagues will assume that I am being rude or something which isn’t true, I’m just always incredibly shy and unsure what to say and even if I do talk, it isn’t always for long and that makes me feel somewhat anxious I guess. Social cues are hard for me sometimes, like with jokes and when someone is being serious but I feel that I am miles better than I was when I started and I think I owe that to going to College and University and learning along the way.

We all are in different situations when it comes to the workplace and will have different stories, some will be out of work and others will be in work but might find it a constant struggle to stay sane because of the constant challenges and demands expected of you. It can help to not take everything so serious, like if someone gives you some advice on something, don’t take it directly personal if they are only trying to help…the amount of times I have taken something personal when I didn’t need to.

It can be hard having a job but it can also be rewarding as well, just remember what you were like before you started that job and how you are now, how much you have changed for the better, the confidence you will have surely gained and even if none of these things have happened to you….at least you were confident enough to try and give it a go, that is an accomplishment by itself….some won’t even do that. You go in and you do your best everyday because that is all you can do and that’s ok.


Day 4 of 30 Day Blogging Challenge


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Welcome to Day 4 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge and today I talk about my dream job! Before that, if you look above…you can see the first 3 days of the Challenge highlighted, feel free to have a look and tell me what you think by commenting or if your doing this challenge to send me your link and I’ll like and comment!

Anyway, back to the Challenge! My dream job is to become an author someday and write for a living! Creating stories and making people happy with them would be the best feeling in the world, when you get a positive comment or great feedback, you really feel that you have done something amazing, inspired someone or made there day!

I have written stories for the majority of my life and have even had a short story published before! I think that if I really put my mind to it and work hard at it then I can do well but I’m going to assume that if I write a story, it’ll get published, it takes a lot of good luck to get that lucky break but I will keep working hard and not giving up to reach that goal! It’s my dream after all and we should never give up on our dreams?

If I could ever get a book published, that would be a dream in of itself, just to see my name on the cover, my characters breathing a new life into the world and another story being told to people across the globe! That would just be the best and that’s my dream to achieve!

Next time, I talk about what my proudest moment has been!

More soon

Have A Good Day

Asperwhat 14?! Moving Out Of Your Parents House

This was a weird one for me and it’s not for the reason that you think it may be..well it wasn’t straight away anyway but here goes! the year is 2014, me and my fiance have literally just returned from our Summer Holiday in Italy and as we get back into her Aunt’s house, we are told that her Aunt and Uncle have found a small house to live in a few minutes up the road and that we could live here. Now that sounds like it’s good news, doesn’t it? Well it was and it sort of wasn’t as well because

  1. We were caught off guard, having just come back from our holiday
  2. We assumed we wouldn’t be living together until 2015
  3. We only had about a month until they moved out
  4. We needed to get jobs quickly!

It was all so much to take in and we had to take it in quickly! I left the next morning and informed my family off this and they were happy for me, albeit surprised that it was happening so quickly and they also said that I needed to go for a job as soon as possible. This was all down to be caught off by surprise and then my Autism kicked in which just made me worry even more about the whole situation, mainly because jobs weren’t something you could just walk into and I had to take into consideration the location of where we would be living and how many places were actually hiring…soon enough, I applied for jobs, left, right and center although I wasn’t so confident, regarding my Autism and being hired…it’s easy to not believe in yourself when you think no one will give you a chance because you have something…I’ve always thought this world is very judgmental and harsh in that department!

My family said apply for everywhere…even those places that most people really wouldn’t want to work unless they were absolutely desperate, sadly…I was so I ended up to Work at McDonalds…you can read about it at the highlighted link, it was quite the experience! The point is that I had a job, even though it’s probably not what anyone wants to do once you go through University but needs must…I’m sure we’d all love to get that high paying job! and luckily as well, Emma was able to find one at a local cafe as well. With that out of the way, I guess it was really just moving my stuff over to the house and accepting that I was moving house…Emma was going nowhere…it was me that was doing all of the moving! I had left home before to go to University but that was different because I would eventually go back and live there again…this time, I was taking my life to another place and staying there…the feeling was strange and scary as well because it can be a make or break situation for a couple…I was praying for a make.

It’s funny…families can annoy you at the best of times but you soon discover just how important they really are to you the minute you don’t live with them anymore…you don’t see their faces around everyday and you really only see them once a week, if that! a new place to get used to, a new job…it’s all so much to get used to…August 2014 to September 2014 was the busiest space of time I’ve ever had to get so much done but it transformed us to becoming a proper couple and now a year has past and we are completely used to living with one another and it’s nice….this place is my home now and I can see us being here for a long time…we love each other and that’s what we really need in this world…even if I never get that high paying job…I have Emma and that’s all that really matters to me…being happy.

Hopeful Wishing

It’s been a weird few days to say the least. Sorting out the holiday for the Summer, my fiance’s twisted foot and having to do all the household chores and such, been quite busy really and haven’t even had much time to get blogging done which has annoyed me greatly, If I don’t do a blog a day, I go insane but at least I have Big Hero 6 on DVD now! Baymax, you are my hero!

I’m just a normal guy who is living his life like everyone else. I wake up, have breakfast, get dressed and on most days, I go to work so I can pay bills but I always feel like I want to do so much more because you only get 1 life and I want to be remembered by future generations but how someone gets famous enough to have their name remembered is one heck of a task! perhaps I can become a famous author and future generations will read my books or something along those lines, that’d be a nice dream! But I doubt I’d ever be the next William Shakespeare or J.K Rowling and have stories that live on forever but it’s a nice thought to think that I could make so many people smile with my stories. If I could just make one person smile with a story then I’d be a happy man indeed! practice makes perfect so I’ll keep on with my writing and who knows…maybe one day.

I need to get a nice, secluded area and make it a writing nest, somewhere that I can write all of my stories, come up with ideas and such, sounds good? I’m going to start following more people on here and see what they are writing, see if I can get inspired in someway, it’s always interesting to see what people all over the world are doing.

We all want to that much more with our lives and chances are, many people are in a position that they wished that they weren’t! it’s a fact of life that not everyone gets to live their dreams sadly, I mean I doubt anyone when they were a child said to themselves

”When I grow up, I’m going to live on Benefits all my life!”

I extremely doubt that very much or I hope anyway that no one wished that. How many people will have wished to be a fireman, policeman or a doctor and ended up working at McDonald’s or as a toilet cleaner? probably a lot of people to be honest. I’d be nice if everyone could fulfill their lifelong dreams, don’t you think?

Holiday wise, it looks like I’ll be going about Europe to these destinations

9.Pisa or Florence
13.Europa Park (Germany)

Sounds awesome but I bet I’ll have to be on the move most of the time so if anyone has ever been inter railing, feel free to leave any tips, they would be greatly appreciated. I’ve never slept on a train before so that will be new, nor been on one for more than 10 hours, wonder how long it’ll be until I get bored…better take some games with me or something or a book at least.

That’s all for now but feel free to add me/ comment bellow or ask me any questions, I will be more than happy to have new followers.

What Is It Like To Work At McDonald’s?

Hi guys, this is a blog to talk about an experience of mine, what is it like to work at McDonald’s? Now some people might already think, Why would you work there? I know some people that do work at McDonald’s and they are very happy working there whereas some hate it and are looking for other jobs. I will admit that I wasn’t jumping at the chance to work at McDonald’s at first…it sounded horrible, to say the least but I needed a job as I had just moved in with my fiance and we needed bills to be paid and she had just got a job in a small cafe in town.

I searched high and low for any job but came up short, until I saw McDonald’s advertising for jobs, now my local McDonald’s isn’t in the town that I live in, it’s on the outskirts, so I would often walk a mile and a mile back to and from it each day I worked. I applied for the job and about four days later, I had a trial there. Now at my trial, I was asked questions about ambitions, what I thought it meant to serve customers and what not and I answered as honestly as I could which they seemed impressed with, then I was to have a small look about the place, where the customers sat and ate, the back where the food was cooked, the staff room where workers had lunch and the storage room which was all interesting as I had always wondered what it would be like to see where the food is all prepared.

Next I was to work on the drive thru part, not where they take the orders but where I would hand out the food and drinks to customers in their cars which didn’t sound so hard at first but it’s the speed that catches you, that makes you think twice about it all because a lot of the time, their are a lot of customers in cars, waiting for food…don’t just assume you can have a few moments to yourself all the time, it just ain’t going to happen.

I can say that my trial went pretty well, even if I spilled a drink and gave out ketchup to a customer ordering a few cokes instead of a cup holder…nerves I guess but a week later, I get an email saying that I was successful and I had to attend a welcome meeting In Leeds which was fun (got a free drink) I got a uniform and had to fill out info and such but I had a job, that’s all that mattered to me.

My first day on the job wasn’t so bad as I had plenty of help, was told how to do everything which was a lot to take in. Drinks, French Fries, how to pack a bag and all that…in quick procession…wow, you had to always be on your feet at all times, no time to slack off!  Customers can be lovely, local ones especially that come in often but you do get a bad egg every now and then that looks down on you, I had a few in my first week that made it their mission to make me feel as low as possible. I got quite scared at times at how harsh peoples comments about performance could be, I get that it’s fast food but surely yelling at me after 30 seconds when I am sorting out another order before yours is a bit much but that’s just my opinion. I remember having to go into the back to calm down because it had really gotten to me but it was a lesson well learnt, I couldn’t go on assuming that everyone was a nice person and I didn’t let anyone else get under my skin after that.

French Fries are ok, I guess but man they can be hot, especially if someone else accidentally spills hot oil onto your hand…man that hurt for weeks afterwards, little blisters all over my hand…wasn’t pretty but their you go, life goes on. Drinks were ok, as long as the machine decided to work for you, cleaning was needed to be done often and it was something to do when it was quiet in the restaurant. I never went on to the cooking process of McDonald’s although judging how things were done so quickly, I’m relieved about that! I would have likely burned myself on many occasions.

Till work was tough, with getting the change correct at fast speed and what not but being on the Drive Thru window was very hard as well! Let me explain, you wear a headset and when a car arrives you take the order and the customer pays for the food, sounds easy enough right? Wrong, imagine doing that during lunch or dinner time, when you had a queue of cars, all waiting for food! it is stressful to say the least! cars beeping horns, shouting abuse and making it seem like it’s all your fault…even though your new and have only been doing this for about five minutes, talk about being thrown to the sharks. Ok, that is a rare occasion when it happens and more than likely, McDonald’s will put someone their that can handle the situation and stress but for me, I was placed there and I was so nervous because it’s even faster than the tills, the cars seemed to never end coming…before I knew it, a queue had formed as far as I could see and you could hear people in their cars calling you stupid or slow at what your doing but you can’t exactly say ‘I’m New!’ Once this happened to me and I was brought off because my supervisor was angry at me for being so slow ”Apparently they had no idea that I had never done it before!’ So they apologized but for me, the damage had been done, it took a long time to be able to go back and try again…the memories of cars beeping, abuse hurled at me and furious faces was horrifying.

Now I know it sounds like I’m moaning about the job, making it sound like it’s something to stay away from but that couldn’t be further from the truth! Many jobs involve dealing with customers, you can’t escape that by not working at McDonald’s! it’s a job, chances are the staff are very friendly and kid like they were at my McDonald’s. Ok, so it didn’t work out for me…After collapsing one evening, I decided that it just wasn’t for me…I went back after seven hours in A and E and told them that I was leaving, I couldn’t keep doing this, not if it was going to affect my health and they wished me luck for the future.

It was an experience that I will never forget…I learned so much in a space of a month that I use in everyday life not be walked all over by people who think they are better than you…anyway to all the people who work at McDonald’s or are thinking about it, go for it or keep going…It’s a job to not be ashamed about….your earning money and have the chance to go up the pecking order in the company which is a good thing. In this day and age, jobs can be hard to come by so if a chance to work at a McDonald’s comes up than take it! it’s better than nothing after all and who knows, you can either climb the McDonald’s ladder or have a reference for your CV for another job in the future.

Until Next Time.

My Fun Tuesday

Today’s relaxing start was great for me as Emma got up bright and early to get her nails done (oh, so she can get up early for nails!) and I was able to have a sleep in for once which was awesome (you know that feeling when you wake up and it’s still dark out) a great feeling indeed. I eventually got up and had some breakfast before I started to watch the weekly edition of WWE Raw , Read here-WWE Raw is Potatoes

Since that took all morning, I spent it on the settee, well I was relaxing today (I think I’ve earned it) and it took all morning for Emma to get her hand and feet nails done so I wasn’t disturbed at all which was great. I then spent my afternoon on my PS4 on Fifa 15 where I manage Everton FC, since they got taken over by a rich owner and I can get all the players that I want. As Emma went to work, I set about writing my review for Raw which is linked to this blog if you want to read it (If your a WWE Fan, you might be interested in it) After that I thought up ideas for a story that I want to write up on here (You’ll see them soon) it is going to be fun to do it, I want to be a writer so if you have a read in the future and like them at all then feel free to let me know in the comment section.

Afterwards, I went to pick Emma up from her work and we were going to pick up Easter eggs from the supermarket but I forgot to bring her bag so we went back home and had our dinner which was Gammon, Egg and Chips and I had some vegetables as well (got to have something healthy) we then went to the store and got each other an Easter Egg each (even though Emma isn’t eating chocolate until the end of Lent…she’s halfway there people, I hope she can make it) My girlfriend loves her Crime documentaries and watches them an awful lot (worries me sometimes) a lot of murder stories and stuff (most of it’s based in America) but it makes her happy so I can’t really complain about it.

The future looks bright from here on out, a week of work, a meeting to discuss our wedding is coming up soon and it’s almost Easter time so plenty of chocolate for everybody! I’m still so happy about Arsenal’s win yesterday and I hope we go on to retain the F.A Cup, that would be great. I think I’ll get back into my old jogging routine and fit it around work so I can stay fit and healthy for the future (I have Wii Fit but want to get outside and exercise as well) apart from that, my friend Jake has a job trial later this week so I hope he does his best and gets the job, he deserves it after all.

It’s been another good day in Yorkshire so until next time

Keep it real


P.S Bring back Jeremy Clarkson!