Autism- To Be Diagnosed Late, What Effect Does It Have?

Hello and welcome to this blog talking about Autism and asking about the age of diagnosis…what’s it like if you were diagnosed at a late stage in life…not when you are young?

I read an article recently in the Independent and saw a woman called Laura James talk about how she only found out about her Autism at the age of 45 and that just jumped out at me as alarming…how does anyone make it just about half way through a lifetime not knowing something like that? It explains that she always had certain struggles such as noise exposure, sounds, smells and even food textures that others around her did not have but she couldn’t understand why…until one day, she had her answer!

She was being tested for a condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which is a genetic connective tissue disorder when a nurse must of picked up on certain traits related to Autism…perhaps. It was a discovery that answered many questions as to how she reacted to certain things and she was unsure because she was a journalist and owns her own communications agency whereas many people with Autism can struggle to find full time work. In the UK, only 16 per cent of Autistic Adults are reported to be in full time work and 32 per cent in some type of paid work, ranging from Part time work, Apprenticeships to Zero hour contracts.

For me, 45 seems like a very late age to suddenly discover something like this! I mean you’ve been a baby, a child, a teenager, a young adult and now your just about midway through your life…a lot of milestones have already been reached but at this age, would finding out that you have Autism be an issue, or would it be that answer to a lifelong question that has been nibbling away in your mind and you have a bit of closure about it all?

Another question I got from this was how on Earth is it that someone can get to 45 before discovering this? Then as I read more of the article…it became clear that the main issue that prevented any of this was the gender…for a long time now, Autism has pretty much been assumed to be a male dominated condition and even today, many women could possibly be undiagnosed, so this is probably the main reason why Laura James was only diagnosed recently.

I was 13 when I was finally told that I was Autistic and as I’ve said on many occasions in the past, it was a body blow…one that took me 5 years to get over before I could start working at what my problems were and overcoming them to the point that they no longer affect what I do on a daily basis….I still have some odd moments where I might have a small meltdown here and there but it is far removed from 2003 when I was first told! A different tale to Laura James in discovery but I feel that a similarity is that in the present, it doesn’t badly affect either of our lives, we both work, are both married and happy and we have ways of dealing with our Autism, like exercise, talking to loved ones and getting plenty of rest.

On the issue why men seem to be diagnosed much easier than women when it comes to Autism, Laura James thinks this is because research into Autism is conducted mostly on males and that in popular culture,  autistic females are pretty much excluded….well minus this one


Perhaps as of right now, men are diagnosed a lot more then women are and the stereotype that it’s a male dominated condition still exists today! When I think of it…most shows I have watched that have an autistic character in it…it’s 9/10 a male! I’ll admit that the point is to get the awareness of Autism out into the wide world but it also sends the wrong message that only males can have Autism at the same time.

On a side note, I saw how she went on to discuss about common misconceptions when it comes to Autistic people that simply aren’t true, such as lack of Empathy. I’ll borrow a quote from the article as it speaks about a common misconception regarding Autism and Empathy which I wrote about recently by clicking the blue link!

“The biggest misconception is that we don’t feel empathy,” James argues. “This couldn’t be further from the truth. Many autistic people say they feel it too strongly. Others say they feel it, but need to respond with a practical solution, which can come across as being a bit cold. The autistic people I have met have been amongst the kindest, most compassionate and genuine I have ever met.” – Lara James

Does being diagnosed at a certain age matter in the long term of things? It can depend on how much you have Autism and how much help you have in your daily life, whether it be education, work or just general life…we’re all different so it affects us differently so maybe for some, it’s better to be diagnosed as early as possible but perhaps for some, a late diagnosis can just fill the void and give clarification to your wonders on why a baby’s scream really hurts your ears compared to a friends or family member’s response or why you really hate a cucumber’s texture!

Laura James has been able to live a pretty successful life without knowing she had Autism and when we did find out, it brought peace to her and a long lingering mystery of her life had been found out, she can know go on as a successful and proud autistic woman, who to be honest is treat just like everyone else around her because no one really knew she even had Autism and opinions have not changed because of it…funny how not knowing can make people treat you the respect that an average person gets but when your young and don’t know what Autism is….things can sometimes be a little different which is why we need more awareness and more women need to be diagnosed as well.

Article- 45 Year Old Woman Diagnosed With Autism- The Independent


Were you diagnosed after the age of 40? If you were, what was it like to finally know? Or were you diagnosed at a much younger age say, 10 or younger? I assume that the majority would be diagnosed at the younger age but I do know that sometimes, it can happen much later in life but that’s not really ever talked about though, is it because it’s rare, or just not that much of a big deal?

Thanks For Reading

Crossroads, Which Way To Go Down?

Hello everyone, I want to write a little bit about myself so you get a bit of an idea of what I’m like away from the blogs where I go on about how rough I feel I had it in my past, the mountains I set myself to climb etc You know what I’m on about!

My name is Matthew, I’m 26 years old and I inspire to one day be a published author. Fun dream, challenging but if a dream was easy, it just isn’t worth it, well not for me anyway! I’m a real nice guy, once I trust someone enough to fully be myself…I can take a while with strangers to come out of my shell more and more, it sucks but I’d rather take it slow than rush in, panic and run away!

Last year, I had the pleasure of giving up all social life by getting married! cue the sad music! I’m joking but enough people told me that for a joke, that I couldn’t go out anymore! I still see mates and it’s wonderful…I’m totally not reaching for a Ben and Jerry’s now! In all seriousness, I have great friends, family and most of all, a wonderful wife who completes but I’ll try to not go on about how much I love her in my blogs….fingers crossed….not that you can see that!

I often blog about my travels to all the countries I’ve visited so far in this lifetime, so far I’m writing about Japan who are a friendly bunch, great food in Kyoto! but I also have America, France and Italy to blog about as well which I can’t wait to do, once I find all the pictures for them of course! I always go travelling with my wife across the countries and they have all been an adventure to cherish and remember, they are also very daft and involve us getting lost or falling out over the dumbest of things, I don’t like arguments.

I write from time to time, often trying to not miss a day but sometimes, reality takes me away from the computer and I can’t always write a blog about my adventures, life challenges or my Autism like I would like to.

Hopefully in time, I can attract more people to follow my blog…If I’m interesting enough that is, who knows but life is a journey that we all go on together, lets make the most out of it while we are here!

Love Matthew

Hopeful Wishing

It’s been a weird few days to say the least. Sorting out the holiday for the Summer, my fiance’s twisted foot and having to do all the household chores and such, been quite busy really and haven’t even had much time to get blogging done which has annoyed me greatly, If I don’t do a blog a day, I go insane but at least I have Big Hero 6 on DVD now! Baymax, you are my hero!

I’m just a normal guy who is living his life like everyone else. I wake up, have breakfast, get dressed and on most days, I go to work so I can pay bills but I always feel like I want to do so much more because you only get 1 life and I want to be remembered by future generations but how someone gets famous enough to have their name remembered is one heck of a task! perhaps I can become a famous author and future generations will read my books or something along those lines, that’d be a nice dream! But I doubt I’d ever be the next William Shakespeare or J.K Rowling and have stories that live on forever but it’s a nice thought to think that I could make so many people smile with my stories. If I could just make one person smile with a story then I’d be a happy man indeed! practice makes perfect so I’ll keep on with my writing and who knows…maybe one day.

I need to get a nice, secluded area and make it a writing nest, somewhere that I can write all of my stories, come up with ideas and such, sounds good? I’m going to start following more people on here and see what they are writing, see if I can get inspired in someway, it’s always interesting to see what people all over the world are doing.

We all want to that much more with our lives and chances are, many people are in a position that they wished that they weren’t! it’s a fact of life that not everyone gets to live their dreams sadly, I mean I doubt anyone when they were a child said to themselves

”When I grow up, I’m going to live on Benefits all my life!”

I extremely doubt that very much or I hope anyway that no one wished that. How many people will have wished to be a fireman, policeman or a doctor and ended up working at McDonald’s or as a toilet cleaner? probably a lot of people to be honest. I’d be nice if everyone could fulfill their lifelong dreams, don’t you think?

Holiday wise, it looks like I’ll be going about Europe to these destinations

9.Pisa or Florence
13.Europa Park (Germany)

Sounds awesome but I bet I’ll have to be on the move most of the time so if anyone has ever been inter railing, feel free to leave any tips, they would be greatly appreciated. I’ve never slept on a train before so that will be new, nor been on one for more than 10 hours, wonder how long it’ll be until I get bored…better take some games with me or something or a book at least.

That’s all for now but feel free to add me/ comment bellow or ask me any questions, I will be more than happy to have new followers.