From A Mind

Behold, I am here…right in front of you on your computer screens and it appears that I have already bothered you in some way! Oh to be a blogger, what a thing to be indeed! What’s that, your confused? Whatever for? is it weird that I accused you of being annoyed without a decent reason for doing so? Well you see, I am very bored and I thought I would just write down whatever came into my head and type it on here…cheese pickles with a drink of Cranberry and Banana juice with a gherkin on the side! maybe I can go out to a swamp in wherever, catch a frog and have frog legs for dinner? Too barbaric perhaps? well I don’t know how to cook them so that’d just be cruel…well I did just go to France recently! speaking of was mighty hot there…so many people trying to sell dodgy merchandise…unreal really but hilarious at times because they would never give up…I told one man I had in interest in a handbag with the Eiffel tower on but he would not listen, I had to run away and into the Metro to escape where you always see the cities population of rats down there and everyone hopping over the ticket barriers with no one stopping them at all! what a world! So many tourists…baffles me as to how many people their really are in this world….so many neighbors we all have!

Was Shakespeare a man or a woman? Who cares, I really like Macbeth, my favorite play by the writer…so much death and deception even though it’s based of a real monarch called Macbeth who killed Duncan on the battlefield, not in his bed! then again, it’d be boring if they wrote it exactly how it happened in real life, is that why all reality TV is fake as hell? X Factor is just so fake…why do I still watch that rubbish, Cheryl sucks and who the hell is Nick Grimshaw…no idea clearly…the news full of death and people’s suffering, still waiting to hear that story of a fireman saving a cat from a tree! I want to feel Orange a little bit, I like Oranges…although I don’t like the seeds! I prefer Apples…oh wait, seeds! Bananas it is! used to hate them but I’m ok with them now…why am I doing this, this must appear so weird to you…just writing whatever I feel like and not giving a toss what I write down! I’m that bored I guess and writers block is a pain so we’ve established why! Boredom…pure boredom…anything to get away from Maria Menounos…can’t stand her on TV, so self centered and the camera always has to focus on her…just watched a Bar Rescue with her on…walked out in frustration because 9/10 shots were close ups of her! It’s WWE all over again! Go away! or at least stop stealing the spotlight you ego maniac! Why oh why is it always raining…sunny then rain then sunny then rain, MAKE UP YOUR MIND! do I need a coat on today or not! This week is a little up and down…all over the place and so random…maybe that’s why I’m bored today…why I’m wasting your time with this stuff…Cheese Pickles…how silly!

Hopeful Wishing

It’s been a weird few days to say the least. Sorting out the holiday for the Summer, my fiance’s twisted foot and having to do all the household chores and such, been quite busy really and haven’t even had much time to get blogging done which has annoyed me greatly, If I don’t do a blog a day, I go insane but at least I have Big Hero 6 on DVD now! Baymax, you are my hero!

I’m just a normal guy who is living his life like everyone else. I wake up, have breakfast, get dressed and on most days, I go to work so I can pay bills but I always feel like I want to do so much more because you only get 1 life and I want to be remembered by future generations but how someone gets famous enough to have their name remembered is one heck of a task! perhaps I can become a famous author and future generations will read my books or something along those lines, that’d be a nice dream! But I doubt I’d ever be the next William Shakespeare or J.K Rowling and have stories that live on forever but it’s a nice thought to think that I could make so many people smile with my stories. If I could just make one person smile with a story then I’d be a happy man indeed! practice makes perfect so I’ll keep on with my writing and who knows…maybe one day.

I need to get a nice, secluded area and make it a writing nest, somewhere that I can write all of my stories, come up with ideas and such, sounds good? I’m going to start following more people on here and see what they are writing, see if I can get inspired in someway, it’s always interesting to see what people all over the world are doing.

We all want to that much more with our lives and chances are, many people are in a position that they wished that they weren’t! it’s a fact of life that not everyone gets to live their dreams sadly, I mean I doubt anyone when they were a child said to themselves

”When I grow up, I’m going to live on Benefits all my life!”

I extremely doubt that very much or I hope anyway that no one wished that. How many people will have wished to be a fireman, policeman or a doctor and ended up working at McDonald’s or as a toilet cleaner? probably a lot of people to be honest. I’d be nice if everyone could fulfill their lifelong dreams, don’t you think?

Holiday wise, it looks like I’ll be going about Europe to these destinations

9.Pisa or Florence
13.Europa Park (Germany)

Sounds awesome but I bet I’ll have to be on the move most of the time so if anyone has ever been inter railing, feel free to leave any tips, they would be greatly appreciated. I’ve never slept on a train before so that will be new, nor been on one for more than 10 hours, wonder how long it’ll be until I get bored…better take some games with me or something or a book at least.

That’s all for now but feel free to add me/ comment bellow or ask me any questions, I will be more than happy to have new followers.

Did Richard III Murder The Princes In The Tower?

The year is 2015 and in the city of Leicester, the body of recently discovered Plantagenet King Richard The Third was finally laid to rest, almost 530 years after being slain at The Battle of Bosworth Field and this recent discovery has once again brought up the ancient question, Did he murder The Princes in the Tower? A question that may never be truly answered, only speculation thrown about by historians and people in general regarding the matter. A question I personally don’t understand why it’s a big deal, I’ll explain why in this blog.

It’s the 1400’s, The War of the Roses and thousands upon thousands of soldiers have been killed in order for either The Yorkists or the Lancastrians to secure the throne but in 1483, Two young princes disappeared under the protection of Richard, Duke of York who then became Richard III, seemed a little suspicious as he never produced the bodies or confessed to anything and The Tudors afterwards pretty much laid the blame of the Princes death on Richard’s doorstep. Pretty easy for historians to agree with Henry VII and his family as Richard had no means of defending himself.

The Accused

Two bodies were found under some stairs at the Tower of London and they were considered to be the Princes who were later buried at Westminster Abbey in 1674. Whether it really was the two murdered princes, we’ll never know.

It was interesting to see Phillipa Gregory and David Starkey over Richard III and personally, I wished David would have just shut up and kept his biased opinions to himself, it was the man’s funeral and he was insulting a Yorkist King in York…I lost all respect I had for that man with that move, what an idiot! you don’t go to York and say that they are better off not having him buried there, has he been taking advice from Jeremy Clarkson on being controversial or is it just because he hasn’t been very relevant in recent years? saying that Thomas More and Shakespeare were right on Richard III isn’t very professional….Thomas More was 5 when it happened and it’s clear that Shakespeare (who isn’t a historian) was trying to amuse Elizabeth I by praising her grandfather for being heroic. I’ll bet you anything that Starkey would easily defend a Tudor if they committed the crime so how can his view be taken seriously if it’s so biased? And Starkey, if you so sure that the Tudors were correct in EVERYTHING that they said about the Tudors, PROVE IT! I can’t prove your right or wrong, I’ll admit but you can’t prove that Richard definitely did it either and even if he did…so what! Get off your high horse! no use kicking a dead man’s corpse, is there…he isn’t around to receive the abuse, is he?

I’m sorry if I went on a rant there but I was upset with Starkey and had looked up to him for years before I watched what he said on Richard III, it was distasteful and disrespectful, uncalled for even! he was one of the reasons I got into history. History is full of murderers, look at the Romans for example! but I guess he is entitled to his opinion, even if I don’t like it. I meant no disrespect to Starkey and his views, I only thought they were said at the wrong time.

It’s an issue that could be with this whole story is the propaganda that the Tudors spread about Richard The Third, when you think about it, he couldn’t deny any of it, he was dead after all so who was going to speak out and say that what the Tudors were saying were lies? The Yorkists? very unlikely, The Tudors by the time of Henry VIII were secure enough on the throne and the closest threat to them Reginald Pole eventually fled the country, leaving his poor mother Margaret Pole to face the executioners axe.

William Shakespeare made Richard appear as a vile monster who would kill all in his way to get what he wanted, ultimate control of the throne but lets not all forget that their was a war going on! it’s not as if Richard didn’t know about Henry VII in France and the possible invasion in the future, could a child defend the country?

Here’s Richard III to defend himself

If Richard did in fact murder young Edward and Richard then I have a question of my own to ask, why should we care? anyone else would have done the same thing if they were in his position, he wanted to be king! wouldn’t you? Don’t get me wrong, murder is murder but back in Medieval days, this sort of thing wasn’t exactly uncommon! it was the way things were done then and we act all high and mighty about it today, it’s a joke! you can’t use modern day thinking to judge an event from over 500 years ago!

  • Wouldn’t Henry VII have done it if he needed too?
  • Edward IV had Henry VI murdered in cold blood
  • Henry IV had Richard II starved to death
  • Edward II was murdered by his wife Isabella (Red hot poker up the bum…ouch)
  • It’s likely that Henry I had his brother William II murdered in the New Forest

Murder was common in the quest for power yet this one case has turned Richard III into a villain, it seems a little harsh to me, especially when so many other monsters in English Monarchy have perhaps committed crimes on the same level, I mean was Mary I just wasting matches as she burned Protestants at the stake? Oliver Cromwell had the king Charles I executed, the actual King who people thought was placed on the throne by God!

Two quotes by Napoleon Bonaparte really sing true when I think about the Princes In The Tower mystery, and they are as follows.

”History is a set of lies agreed upon”- Napoleon Bonaparte

”History is written by the winners”- Napoleon Bonaparte

Maybe we don’t talk about any of these horrible deaths because…we know who killed who but with the Princes Murder, no one can guarantee that it was Richard or Henry that did it, it’s all just speculation and maybe it’s the not knowing who really did that makes us enjoy arguing over ‘whodunit?’ let’s face it, it’s fun to debate over it. Did the Tudors have the princes murdered and cover it up by blaming a dead man?

And why would the Tudors need to go to such lengths to make Richard look so evil to the rest of the world, the man was dead after all, it seemed unnecessary, unless it was a cover up, a dark Tudor secret that it was in fact Henry VII that had the Princes murdered but placed the blame on a dead Richard to cover his tracks…who’s going to defend Richard? No one for about 500 years, when it’s way to late. There is no way to prove this but it isn’t impossible, is it?

Did he have anything to do with it?

Or perhaps, the mastermind could have been Margaret Beaufort.

Was this the Mastermind?

True Henry was abroad but Margaret was in England and she was Henry’s Mother, she believed that her beloved son would become King and would do anything to ensure that this happened, possibly even murder. We do not know but if we can blame Richard then why not Margaret? It’s true that Richard had the most to gain with the Princes’ Death but who knows, the Princes were Yorkists and Henry VII was a Lancastrian, it wouldn’t be strange for a murder to take place.

On the other hand, if Henry or his Mother did indeed have the Princes put to death, then why wouldn’t they just produce the bodies and place the blame on Richard? perhaps because people would ask questions like

  • How did you know where the bodies were?

Why didn’t Richard or Henry just make their death look like an accident, I mean Henry I (if he did) was able to do it, did anyone question it and vilify Henry afterwards, nope. he ruled without any issue about the method of obtaining the throne and it was his own brother who had been murdered!


If it was you that was in Richard’s position in 1483, would you have had the Princes killed? I’d say you’d be a fool if you say no, I know that I would, I’d rather seize the power and be king and I’ll imagine that deep down, many others would do the same…maybe not in the modern day but things were different in 1483, very different.

Two years later, Richard dies at Bosworth Field and Henry VII becomes the first in the Tudor Line to rule England, the beginning of Tudor Propaganda against Richard III would begin with Thomas More and William Shakespeare calling Richard evil and how his death was well deserved yet in 2015, the final king to fall in battle in England gets full honors as he’s finally laid to rest in Leicester Cathedral, probably not what The Tudors would have wanted but their all dead….so I don’t think they can do anything about it, do you?

In an opinion, if we definitely knew who murdered the Princes in the tower, would we talk about it as much as we do? probably not, it would just be another chapter in history that we would talk about but not to the extent or with as much interest as today, another closed chapter it would be, alas it will likely always be an open page in the History of the World, probably never to be closed.