Hopeful Wishing

It’s been a weird few days to say the least. Sorting out the holiday for the Summer, my fiance’s twisted foot and having to do all the household chores and such, been quite busy really and haven’t even had much time to get blogging done which has annoyed me greatly, If I don’t do a blog a day, I go insane but at least I have Big Hero 6 on DVD now! Baymax, you are my hero!

I’m just a normal guy who is living his life like everyone else. I wake up, have breakfast, get dressed and on most days, I go to work so I can pay bills but I always feel like I want to do so much more because you only get 1 life and I want to be remembered by future generations but how someone gets famous enough to have their name remembered is one heck of a task! perhaps I can become a famous author and future generations will read my books or something along those lines, that’d be a nice dream! But I doubt I’d ever be the next William Shakespeare or J.K Rowling and have stories that live on forever but it’s a nice thought to think that I could make so many people smile with my stories. If I could just make one person smile with a story then I’d be a happy man indeed! practice makes perfect so I’ll keep on with my writing and who knows…maybe one day.

I need to get a nice, secluded area and make it a writing nest, somewhere that I can write all of my stories, come up with ideas and such, sounds good? I’m going to start following more people on here and see what they are writing, see if I can get inspired in someway, it’s always interesting to see what people all over the world are doing.

We all want to that much more with our lives and chances are, many people are in a position that they wished that they weren’t! it’s a fact of life that not everyone gets to live their dreams sadly, I mean I doubt anyone when they were a child said to themselves

”When I grow up, I’m going to live on Benefits all my life!”

I extremely doubt that very much or I hope anyway that no one wished that. How many people will have wished to be a fireman, policeman or a doctor and ended up working at McDonald’s or as a toilet cleaner? probably a lot of people to be honest. I’d be nice if everyone could fulfill their lifelong dreams, don’t you think?

Holiday wise, it looks like I’ll be going about Europe to these destinations

9.Pisa or Florence
13.Europa Park (Germany)

Sounds awesome but I bet I’ll have to be on the move most of the time so if anyone has ever been inter railing, feel free to leave any tips, they would be greatly appreciated. I’ve never slept on a train before so that will be new, nor been on one for more than 10 hours, wonder how long it’ll be until I get bored…better take some games with me or something or a book at least.

That’s all for now but feel free to add me/ comment bellow or ask me any questions, I will be more than happy to have new followers.