Autism- How Much Help and Attention To Be Had

Good day, I thought that on this blog I would talk about the help I received as a child and whether I personally think it helped in any way or hindered my progress through life. Where I normally talk about Autism, most of this happened when I was unaware that I had it. I would begin life struggling to do anything really but by the way I became an adult I was just as capable as anyone was but along the way, I felt like I had reached that point but couldn’t find anyone who believed me so I had to have help in school to which I didn’t always want and I’ll explain why in this blog.

When I was younger, the simplest of tasks seemed to be a little bit of a challenge to me, where for everyone else was simple, easy and came naturally to them. Walking and talking were both late into the station for me, delayed by measures that were never understood at such a young age, I paid no heed to either one but everyone around me were very concerned about falling behind everyone in my schools.

As well as going to my hometowns school, I also went to a special needs school, which I have nothing but fantastic memories of that place, more so than my other school. I don’t know why the special needs school was better than the mainstream school, probably because the former had more children that were like me in certain ways and we could relate, whereas the latter was full of children that could adapt and learn without much assistance but I went to both schools during the week but as the years went by, I would slowly begin to go to the school in my hometown a bit more and by the time I turned 7, I left the special needs school as I didn’t have a need to attend anymore.

From 1992 to 1997 I attended that school and they were the best 5 years that I had at any place of education, at least until I started college in 2006 but that’s a long wait and the time in between were dark days for me as a person, ones that I feel hindered any progress and left me doubting myself and seeing no hope for any kind of future but every time I say this in a blog, I think hard and wonder…were they really as bad as I always make them seem? Well I went from having good friends to no friends to speak of in the space of a couple of years as everyone at the other school found me weird and wanted nothing to do with me, reasons I didn’t understand at that time as I didn’t even know that I had Autism at this stage. Yes I was bullied, never beaten up or anything but made to feel like a no one which didn’t help the situation when I had never experienced such isolation before. Treat like I was incapable by teachers and students…doesn’t make one confident for the future, does it?

Leaving that special needs school was painful for me and to be honest, a part of me died that day or should I say any happiness I had enjoyed in life up to that point, wiped out by the cold reality of real life and it sounds dramatic saying that but when I look back at my life, moving schools was the equivalent of being thrown into shark infested waters, something that I was not really prepared for mentally. A couple of years later, it became a realisation that it might be years before I can find the confidence I had gained at my previous school, to be made to feel normal, that was all I ever wanted and to be honest, it was what was needed for me to grow as a person as well but as I discovered over the next 5 to 6 years, no one would listen.

Hang on, I slightly take that back a little, some people did listen as I had 2 helpers in my primary school that were kind and did help me in a way that I needed, they treated me with kindness and respect and for brief moments, I began to think that everything would be ok…only for all of that to be dashed away once secondary school started but I won’t even mention that place anymore so lets move on!

I found out when I was a little bit older that I needed a lot more attention than many other children in my year did and I was stunned by that because I didn’t even notice that I was getting any of it, assuming that others had help in classes as well, I never really paid any attention to it…after all I was still a child who didn’t think much about stuff like that. I always had a helper for classes and some were really good with me but as I grew, having a helper just seemed to bother and hinder me because I didn’t feel like I was doing that much of the work if I had a cheat code to help me out. To be honest, my person just sounds like a ungrateful moaner who was ungrateful for having help at all but hear me out when I say that I felt like I didn’t need it, I wanted to accept the responsibility of taking on all of my work because I believed I had what it took to get decent grades if given the chance but by the time my GCSES came about, I was diagnosed with Autism and thrown in a small group with delinquents who were very distracting and was only allowed to do 3 GCSES, Maths, English and Science….doesn’t scream having faith in you that much, does it?

All of that help in school ended up in nothing in the end really, just a waste of time because no one knew what I had until it was too late and to be honest, I’m glad they didn’t know earlier on because lord knows what they would have done then…it was still a time that not many knew what Autism was! 2006 was a year where everything changed because guess what? I knew what I needed and I went to college to get away for that god forsaken and clueless area that did nothing for me, I went back to the town where the special needs school had been and went to college and spent the next 5 years rewriting what I considered to be wrongs given to me as I had a nasty taste in my mouth, which to be honest..I still somewhat have of that place.

I still had some help in college as well but it was voluntary and others had it as well so I didn’t feel alone and I was made to feel like I could figure it out for myself which was what I wanted and…I did, I got better marks immediately, what a surprise, so much time wasted before hand and for nothing…I felt robbed of years of my life, all because some people took a look at me and didn’t see much and like a wad of gum, I was thrown away pretty much. College gave me my confidence back and I accepted some help because it benefited me and helped me grow, which was how I should have felt earlier on and even in University, I had a helper that I saw once a week who was the best helper I ever had, she was so good and gave great advice that when she sadly left before my final year began, I declined the offer of a new helper and spent the 3rd year doing my own work, I didn’t want anyone else…she was to special to me because she did the one thing that those other helpers in my childhood (minus 2) failed to do…treat me like I could do it, like they had faith that I would get it and that was something I rarely felt in school.

To sum all of that up, what I feel like the issue was that before I was diagnosed with Autism, things weren’t terrible, sure school wasn’t the best and I was unaware of what I had and perhaps I didn’t help myself with actions in my childhood as I didn’t understand but sympathy for such things was non existent amongst most people back then so I felt like an outcast and wasn’t given a chance to learn and grow because of it which continued on until I left school and begun college where I finally was able to understand because people gave me a chance, which was all I ever needed.

When I was taken from most classes in High school and put into a smaller one, it was because no one knew what Autism was but they immediately assumed that was what was best for me which was wrong because they just assumed it was one thing but I don’t have a high dose of it, which I was unaware of at the time as I believed what I was told at that stage and it made me resent everything, I turned bitter and negative because I felt that was how the world felt about me. What hope for a future did I have when everyone had turned against me in a sense, well not everyone against me but not much belief was there but it did make me determined…I was so desperate to wipe the smug grins off my doubters that I pushed myself for years afterwards to accomplish something without help and when I graduated from University with a 2:1 and award for overall achievement…I felt like I had done that but even so…if I had those years back where I could have focused on what I wanted to do with my life…maybe I would have gone down another more promising path, who knows.

The help during my time in education both help and hindered me at certain times but for other people, maybe they need help all the way through but not everyone with Autism does and that was my issue, it was assumed that Autism was the same with everyone who had it so I got the same help that someone with high Autism would but I didn’t need it and it hindered me in a big way. As for now, I guess I am happy that it showed that I at least never gave up on myself or I doubt I’d have ever wanted to go to college after all of that, nor would have met the friends I have today or my eventual wife…it’s funny when you think that if you had one or two things differently, you might not have what you have today in a way…I guess everything happens for a reason.

My Take On Autism

What is my take on Autism? Well it’s a massive part of my life, even if I do occasionally forget I actually have it! Seriously, I can go a few weeks before I remember…it’s weird sometimes but that’s just how much it doesn’t alter my life as it once did. A long time ago when I didn’t fully understand it, it made life hard for me and I couldn’t always do the things that I wanted to do because of that. Many would assume that having Autism would be a sign that I won’t go far in life, I only have a certain amount of things I am capable of doing by myself and it’s embarrassing to know that people have thought this about me before. To be thought of as inferior for something that they were told that I had…when my school was told, I felt humiliated because I was taken out of most classes and shoved into a small group of troublemakers to learn Agriculture…I had no interest in it because it wasn’t what I wanted to do…no offence but I don’t want to learn how to drive a tractor when I know I’ll never be doing it as a career! What a waste of time! Something I will never forgive! Ever! It’s what motivates me to keep going and to prove everyone wrong!

Does It Affect My Day To Day Life?

Many people will assume that because I have Autism that a day will be complicated for me, that I won’t be doing anything like normal people do, like go to a job, spend time with friends or work on a project that matters a lot to me and many people in the past have been quite dumbstruck and shocked when it turns out I live a very ‘normal’ life. Never get why so many people look like their mind has been blown because someone with Autism acts just like they do. Ok so maybe not everyone with Autism will do that, some will fit the stereotype and for some, it only takes 1 to assume that all are the same!

Here are just some of the things I like to do on an average Day, I

  • Have Breakfast
  • Go To Work
  • Do Household Chores
  • Exercise
  • See  Mates
  • Go on Dates With My Wife
  • Play Video Games
  • Blog

Doesn’t sound that boring to me…I might not do all of those things every single day but I like to keep myself busy and to have a challenge all the time, keeps me going but no matter how much I tell people, they just say ‘But your Autistic…you can’t do any of that’ I just normally shut off the conversation because the person I’m talking too is too simple for me and just believes everything they read online, not worth my time.

All Those Assumptions!

What annoys me are the assumptions that I don’t live an interesting life, people just assume because of what I have and it irritates me because people make their mind up before they even get to know me and it’s a little unfair and not very observant for others to just decide that by themselves…bit lazy if you ask me! When I meet someone, I don’t decide what kind of person they are after two minutes, I spend time with them and learn from them what kind of person they are! A bit of effort goes a long way people!

What Many People Need

With my Autism, I feel like I’m a slow starter when it comes to interaction, well compared to other people I know and have known in the past, I’ll eventually come out of my shell and be ok with an individual such as  talk to them more and feel comfortable around them but it takes time for me to get to that stage and sadly, not everyone can wait that long but if they can and you get to that stage, you know that you have a  real good friend with you! Makes it worth it if someone always stands by you and understands that you won’t always be the life of the party, that you might need to cool off sometimes in social interactions and that you might not always want to go out to the pub to get drunk all the time, sometimes going to see a movie or having a games night can be just as fun.

What Do I Think About My Autism

When I was a teenager, it was the worst thing about me! What else do you want me to say? As a teen, I hated that I had Aspergers which was what I called it at the time! I hated myself and everyone else around me, I shut myself away for 5 years and made many mistakes during that time but over time, I learnt from my errors and spent time letting the pain change me, it got to a point where I didn’t want to feel the pain anymore, I was sick and tired of being told by family, doctors and others what I was unable to go for in my life so I told my doctors to back off and refused to see them anymore, I refused help in school and went on my own to college and I haven’t looked back since 2006. I wanted things to change and it took time but it happened, slowly but surely, I met people and made friends, I met my wife, I got good marks and got into University.

How did I suddenly turn it all around though? Simple really, I just stopped seeing my Autism as an obstacle…I mean it’s not like I can actually see it, it’s not chained to my leg and dragging me down…it’s all in my head and it can stay there if I want it to. I know not everyone can do that and remember that not everyone with Autism is the same so stop saying that we are you stereotypes out there who Google everything!


I look at myself in the mirror and I know that I have proved them all wrong because I worked at it every single day. I didn’t care what anyone else said, that I couldn’t do this or that, I ignored them and went on to succeed at it because I knew I was capable. I learnt once that you don’t always need a lover, parent, friend or teacher to be the one to motivate you to accomplish something and get somewhere in this world, sometimes all you need is your own self belief that you can go out into the world and make a difference, screw it if someone tells you that you can’t do something! That’s not arrogance, that’s confidence and I will always believe that anyone with Autism can achieve their dreams and prove their doubters wrong…no one will ever unconvince me of that. You might look at these words and think  that I have no idea what I’m talking about but if I have learnt something in this life it’s that if I want something, I have to go and get it myself, I can’t always wait for others to do it for me. I had enough people write me off and assume I’d never get married, have a job or go to University….done all three! By myself, I didn’t have help because I believed in myself and in the end, self confidence helped me a great deal and I know others need that special someone to help them be confident and you do what works for you, DO THAT! Always be grateful they are there to help you! Cherish your loved ones who love you through thick and thin!

I’ll finish here for now, thank you for reading, feel free to subscribe for more of my ramblings!

Autism- 10 Things To Not Say

  • Can’t you get cured? 

    No! Just no! This is a line that I just can’t stand anyone who says this to me in person or online. Why would you possibly think that this is ok? Autism isn’t something that needs curing because it isn’t a disease! If you look at a child with Autism, you wouldn’t think it was disease ridden, would you? No…anyone with a bit of decency about them would want to make that child comfortable and happy, or I hope so at least but when they become an adult, things just feel different….no passion or compassion from anyone, your look upon as a nuisance because apparently for some ‘Autism’ is an excuse for gaining attention. Once or twice, I have been asked if I ever want to have my Autism cured so I  can be more social and I was just annoyed every single time. No one with Autism wants a cure because nothing needs to be cured…what we want is understanding and a bit of compassion here and there! Really wish stupidity can be cured…I mean, did you see 2016 Planet Earth….If anything needs cured….it’s that!

  • Vaccines cause Autism

    Why oh why do I see this on my news feed most days, like it’s being forced down my throat, it’s annoying…really annoying so can people just stop getting so worked up and obsessed over something that isn’t proven to be a fact, it’s just speculation yet I see mass wars break out online over the topic all the time. What is the point of this argument if it won’t ever have a conclusion to satisfy everyone? I know that’s clearly wishful thinking but I think it’s clear that anyone with Autism will automatically shut this one down so NEVER say this one….seriously, don’t! It’s not worth the backlash and to be fair, even if it was ever proven….it would never be accepted and I’m not surprised either…Vaccines prevent some pretty nasty illnesses like Mumps so why would you not have a vaccination?

    God must hate you!

    I’ve had this one three times and I find it quite hurtful because I am made to feel bad for being given Autism by what I assume is God (I’m an Atheist by the way) But to be told that God must hate me so he gave me Autism, imagine being told by a stranger that! Not very nice, is it! I know that the Internet is a very dark and evil place where people say bad things everyday for no reason and all but to be told that the creator hates you so he made it hard for you to make friends can be devastating if your very touchy and insecure. For me, I brush it off but I can imagine that some people would take that comment to heart and that’s a shame if you ask me.  It’s like an intimidation factor because of the god and hell thing…Not a suggestion but why on Earth does it matter if someone doesn’t believe in God or any kind of deity? It’s a choice but to be told that one gave me Autism because of a belief, it’s uncalled for and over the line in my opinion.

  • Are you Retarded?

This word is often used as a term for hatred for anyone with a disability and in my books is one of the worst words you can use to describe another human being! Just imagine being called this word because of what you have….This has ruined my day sometimes just because it sounds nasty, it can’t really be said by accident really, if this word is said, it’s on purpose and it’s meant.  Please do not use this word to insult ANYONE it’s just a bad word that I find dehumanizing and insulting!

  • What Medication do you take?

Oh I see, because you think I’m ill, I need some sort of medication to help myself get better, right? I hear about many people in America being put on some kind of medication and from my understanding, it’s a personal matter. One, why would you ask someone if they were on medication for anything? I wouldn’t be shocked if I asked you that question and you got angry about it! Like the rest of the human race for stating an opinion!  Some take medication for various reasons but I personally don’t need to but even if I did, would it really make a difference to you and your life? Will you not be able to sleep at night without knowing the answer? If someone tells you that they do or don’t fair enough but if you bring the topic up, I find that it would be quite rude because why would you even need to know? I’ll just pry into your health and ask you many personal questions that you might not want everyone to know and see how you feel.

  • You’re not Autistic, you have friends and are married, How? 

I don’t even want to dignify this stupid one with an answer because WHAT DOES BEING AUTISTIC HAVE TO DO WITH IT? Tell me people, how does it prevent you from living life at all? Give me an intelligent answer….you can’t? That’s because anyone with Autism can make a friend, meet someone and get married…ok maybe some won’t get to do all of that but it’s insulting to assume that everyone with Autism will not be able to do all of that…I mean not everyone who doesn’t have Autism will have friends or get married, I’m sure you can be a loner and have no mental health issues you know. It just seems that we have to label everything, you can’t just be normal and not succeed…there has to be a reason for it!

  • Prove It


  • Can You Have Sex?

Wouldn’t you like to know? Seriously though yes, quite easily actually….I have a wife! Why do we all assume that everyone with something is exactly the same? Many people with Autism can have sex…of course they can…last time I checked they had the genitalia required for it like everyone else but I get that some might assume that some people with Autism could easily be taken advantage of and abused in this way probably by some heartless monsters because…seriously we are cruel creatures (Humans) to other species and ourselves…weird but whatever. What on Earth makes you think that someone with Autism can’t have sex….if they have the tool, it is possible…same goes for everyone else.

  • Can You have Children? 

This one has nothing to do with being Autistic! I assume that I can, I have the tools in order to make one but I have never tried to make one before….for all I know I might not be able to for some reason, I’ll know when the time comes but I assume that yes I can as can anyone with Autism because thinking that we can’t is very stupid. Why are these even sayings said by many people? Read a book or look Autism up online people, it’s 2017, what’s your excuse in this day and age for not knowing about something that your curious about?

  • I had no Idea you were Autistic, you show no signs

Ok…what signs are you looking for? Ok so with some people it might be obvious but with many we have no signs on us…I’m not going to stick a label on my forehead to let you know, I really don’t want to make it obvious or I’d have to deal with all of these stupid questions from all of you…nothing like a good old stereotype! Am I acting too normal for you or something? Should I not speak to anyone and sit by myself for you to go ‘that’s more like it?’ Everyone with Autism are different in many ways. For some, it’ll be obvious and for others, you won’t have a clue and for the majority of people, this is just too confusing as apparently, we all have to act the same to make it easier for everyone else…I worry about the human race sometimes.

How Does Autism Affect you?


Basically, everyone will have a different opinion regarding their Autism, some people will see it as a hindrance to how they live life every single day whereas others won’t have it affect how they do things at all. If you ask ten different people with Autism what their life is like, chances that you’ll have ten very different answers is very high, how do I know this? I have at least met ten other people with Autism and not one of them are like me in great detail, sure we have minor details down to a ‘T’ but as for the rest, we are polar opposites.

I myself no longer have my life affected by my Autism or at least no where near to the extent that it once did when I was younger. So many mistakes made because I never thought anything through, didn’t care if I did anything bad, as long as I was happy that was all I cared about. Quite often, I find stories of how Autism prevents people from living a basic normal life and I always roll my eyes because I just wouldn’t ever let that happen, I couldn’t live a life where everyone else is always telling me that I couldn’t ‘cope’ without them because of my ‘Autism’  I will not be chained down by others who don’t even have Autism!


It was my constant thoughts and being paranoid about how people would see me and accept me for what I had that really messed me up as a youth, it was really bad and I had no idea how to handle things and I made many mistakes because of this. Over time though, I have learnt that everyone makes mistakes, whether you have a condition or not, people just see what we have and assume that’s why they made such a mistake in the first place. The smartest people make mistakes, the happiest people do every day! So why should I always feel down and shut myself away because of Autism? At the worst times It makes me feel lonely and isolated from everyone I care about but it passes and most of the time, I am fine…I live with my wife and have accomplished a lot in my life, because I can!

I’m afraid I will never completely understand why a lot of other people constantly put themselves down because of what they have! Sure, maybe they have a more severe case of Autism compared to what I have but when it comes to that, I have learnt that you can’t say anything like that without offending many people, even saying minor Autism can tick people off…having an opinion is tough but many people with Autism are doing wonderful things in the world like writing books and having pro-vital roles in society so if anyone tells you that you can’t ‘cope’ because of your Autism, tell them that many others can so why can’t you? It’s not impossible, people told me it was and I ignored them because if I did, I’d have never moved out of my family home or met my wife! I’d be isolated and alone.



It’s easy to roll over and accept it but it’s very hard to do something about it….but if it wasn’t hard then it wouldn’t be worth it! Autism is what you make of it! Sure you’ll have bad days but good days will come as well. Some days you’ll feel like you don’t have any friends or that you can’t follow your dreams but you can bypass that and go for it anyway, screw it if your terrified or feel scared, we have one life on this Earth and i’ll be dammed if I’m spending mine locked away in a bedroom playing games all day, feeling sorry for myself! I did that once…never again!

If everyone understood Autism, maybe everything would be easier for those who have it, going out and living a daily life would be such a task if others knew how much of a struggle it could actually be. I used to be scared of having any children because chances of them having Autism was always there but now If they have Autism, I will do everything I can to help them  because I know what it’s like, I understand how hard it can be to get through a day without being paranoid, without worrying about how others saw me all the time.

If school could have been easier if my teachers and other students knew what I had and didn’t think I was weird because I was scared of making friends or speaking to other people! I hope one day everything is a lot simpler and not a daunting task for people with Autism, I can imagine my childhood would have been a lot easier if others were more accepting and understanding of what I  really had.

Well it’s 2017, who knows maybe changes worldwide will happen this year, you can always hope but as for me, I often forget I have Autism nowadays, that’s because it rarely ever affects anything, my past experiences have seen to that, I got so tired of how things were that I broke through that barrier and did something about it. I know that if I hadn’t my life would be a lot different right now, I would be anywhere near as happy if I hadn’t. Long may everyone achieve their dreams and prove all doubters wrong!

Feeling Anti-Social Isn’t A Bad Thing


Warning- These are just my opinions

I write this blog as someone with Autism, I know what it feels like to feel alone sometimes and to feel down and worthless about it, like I’m the problem or something. At the age of 26, I feel like I have accomplished more than I was expected to do many others growing up and it’s a good feeling but the constant thoughts of self doubt and the times where I felt like I was going to be a constant loner my entire life. I honestly felt like no one would ever be my friend growing up because I was dealing with a lot of stuff that I didn’t understand which turned out to be my Autism in the end.

It hit home hard as I didn’t take the news well at all. I completely shut myself away from society for a few years and just became depressed, I was unmotivated in my future and just flopped at everything, even my GCSES which I had to re do in college a couple of years after I left school.

Next I would go onto to College and turn things around as I was able to make good friends who I still know and even met my now wife! Got good qualifications and was able to get into a nearby University where I got my degree. I don’t think that’s bad after being in such a hole for so long, hating myself and everyone else for how I was, something that was out of my control and to be honest would rather not have…takes a lot out of me to not over worry over the smallest of things on a daily basis, no wonder I’m often feeling sleepy but then again, I do have Gilbert’s Syndrome as well.

I did a lot of things I didn’t understand as a child that others found to be odd, like talk to myself and prefer spending time to myself because as I grew, I found myself becoming scared of interaction with other people. It felt like a pressure of some kind when I had to talk to others for a lengthy amount of time, I felt quite breathless actually, like I was going to pass out or I was worrying so much that I was going to say something bad and be alone again, I just one day decided that it wasn’t worth the risk and often spend my time by myself. Only problem with that was I got to comfortable doing that and as a result, struggled even more later on to try and make new friends and escape my bubble.

After School, College and University, I often reflect how social I was during all of it and what I could have done better. It’s not always the best thing to do but when you have the memory of an elephant, you can and maybe learn something for life down the road. Was I social? Kind of really, I mean I had friends, don’t get me wrong and I went out and socialized but perhaps not to what is considered  ‘normal’ I maybe it was a couple of times a week or two weeks and I had to try to convince myself to even want to join a society in University or talk to a class mate because 9/10 I would want to back out and remain by myself because I felt safer….lonely but safe.

So for me, I like being social and enjoy seeing friends from time to time but still like time to myself as well, I like both ways and can appreciate both positives and negatives for each and I view all of this as simply….well you can do what you want…if you like spending time with friends, keep doing so but don’t make others feel bad if they don’t want to as often as you do. If we were all a little less judgmental than maybe the world would be a little less of a terrible place because personally, I think we are very judgmental and like to comment on other people’s opinions, ideas or stories if we don’t agree and making the teller feel awful for it which makes it very unsurprising as to why many don’t want to spend time with others because we have now become a society where an opinion is pretty much a bad thing….thanks internet.

Is it bad to prefer ‘me’ time? 

Spending time with friends….it’s something that we all want to do, even if your an introvert…you do enjoy it from time to time. Some people who read this may not have even had a single friend in their life or aren’t good at keeping them, others will have many friends and are very social which is great as well.

I’ll be honest, from time to time I do enjoy having time to myself, it’s nice to be able to do something that I enjoy without the pressure of having to do something that someone else wants or you are doing something you like to do but not in the way that you would do it. I’m someone who likes to do things my way and can sometimes struggle to do things ‘other’ peoples ways all the time which was a reason why I struggled at University because of all the group activities and the constant pressures to interact with people because everyone else around you was doing it!

Last year I had Game nights with a group of my friends and apart from feeling nervous as to whether they actually like me or not, It was fun but it was also quite draining for me, I mean by night four I was wishing for them to stop! Not because I didn’t want to attend or anything but I would always feel very emotionally drained by the end of them every single time because I feel like I have to go into overtime quite a lot with keeping calm and not overthinking absolutely everything, like as I said before…convincing myself that my friends don’t like me that much, even though I have no evidence to back this up, yet it keeps happening to me all the time.

Is it ok to enjoy spending time to myself sometimes though? Do people like doing something by themselves or are we in a society where it is looked down upon if you don’t often spend time with other people? I think it is not a bad thing to be ‘anti-social’ from time to time, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with my friends and making new friends as well but, I mean it’s ok to have ‘me’ time sometimes and you don’t have to spend time with your friends all the time. I know they are there for me and if I needed anything like advice or time to kill, they would arrange something with me.

We have Facebook where you can see everyone interacting with one another daily and we live in a world where you can reach a friend or get a lover so easily with the click of a mouse, it’s easier than ever to make a friend if you really want it…compared to the 90’s yet you can still find many people who haven’t a friend in the world or even if they do, don’t often spend time with them and many see this as a problem. It’s like they think people who don’t always see mates as anti social or rude but quite often, their is more to what we can’t see.


I often ask myself why I prefer to spend time by myself, even though I have a wife and friends…why would I prefer to be by myself, even though I find myself quite fortunate to be in this situation? Sometimes I need to unwind and calm myself because life can get on top of me sometimes, everything can take a lot out of me, more than I think people realise and it requires me to just do something relaxing like go for a walk or jog, watch a good movie or play some games until I’ve rested enough.

Often if I don’t do this, I can have a ‘meltdown’ and it’s not fun because I feel very angry all the time and it takes a while to calm down afterwards and I honestly don’t see the point of getting to this point because it does nothing except make me look like a guy with anger issues.

So to finish off, We have a world where everything is judged….mostly negatively because we can all hide behind a screen and say what we actually feel…it’s called trolling…and in this day and age, people all over the world can see what you write and say online….every week videos of kids being beaten up by gangs or animals being killed by youths for fun appear on websites and it’s disturbing. As well, we can see how many friends everyone has and what they get up to all the time but you can even find Introvert pages where people express how much they enjoy being by themselves. If I was to know that this was how the world was going to be 10 years ago…I’d have panicked because nothing is really that private anymore, everything is judged and flaws are frowned upon because….well let’s face it…we suck as a species…I mean we often mock ourselves for the stupidest of reasons and have the dumbest reasons for the things we do quite often yet if we comment on them, we get mocked….makes perfect sense.

So basically you can speak your mind, just expect to offend someone for having your opinion. You can have friends but be judged because you don’t have as many as someone else on your Facebook Page and you can enjoy time by yourself but you’ll likely be mocked and called a loner for it.

Imagine the world 10 years from now….I shudder.

30 Day Blogging Challenge Day 2

Day 1 Challenge where I explained why I chose the name of my blog

But today, I am to give 20 facts

  1. My favorite colour is Blue, I just like that colour more than any other, If I could I would have everything I wore and owned to be blue! I always feel calm around the colour so maybe that’s what I feel comforted by it being all around me but maybe having everything blue would be a little too much but coming a close second would be Purple, that’s my second favorite
  2.  I support Arsenal FC and have done ever since 1997! What made me support this team was one special player that I saw play and it made me fall in love with the club ‘Dennis Bergkamp!’ As well as this, Tony Adams, David Seaman, Marc Overmars, Emmanuel Petit and Patrick Vieira amazed me with every game they played, their style of football made me a fan for life which I always will be!
  3. I once walked 15 miles from Huddersfield to Oldham out of pure boredom whilst waiting for my Final Year Project Mark. I walked over the top of the Pennines alongside the main road, past small villages and alongside canals for 15 miles and it took me 5 miles and my phone battery died once I arrived, I was almost stuck in Greater Manchester for the night as I had left my wallet in Huddersfield! Thankfully I had a lift back with the one call I made before my phone died!
  4. To propose to my Fiance, I secretly arranged a secret get away to Bruges and managed to get hold of her passport, get her families blessing, get an engagement ring and tell everyone, including her friends about it and she had no idea about it until I finally told her on the day! She said yes by the way!
  5. I once, out of boredom wrote a short story regarding being alone at University and it happened to get published into a book full of short stories called Objection to Perfection, it took me 25 minutes to write it!
  6. Speaking of Writing, I was once told to write a poem about my home for a project and forgot to do it until the day it had to be in, it took me 5 minutes to write it on the bus to University and in the end, a woman asked me for a copy and my autograph…still bewilders me to this day!
  7. I have a belief that from April to September every year, I have good luck! It is something I have thought since I was 8 because I just seemed to have good luck in this period every single year and it seems to be continuing to this day!
  8. Micheal Jackson is my favorite singer and when feeling down, I often listen to one of his songs to lift my spirits up!  Earth Song is my favorite
  9. I have Autism and have been aware of this for about a decade now, most people can’t tell that I have it, in fact as far as I’m aware…only one person has ever said to me that they could tell I had it!
  10. Upon seeing Jimmy Carr Live in Leeds, I told him when he asked a question of what was the worst gift we got for Christmas, I answered by saying that my fiance got me a tray as one of my presents for Christmas, he told me to leave her! (I was A University Student at the time)
  11. A random girl once snogged me for a Pot Noodle in a Night Club in Huddersfield, she really wanted those noodles!
  12. I can’t fall asleep with any lights on in the room, it’s impossible for me to do so, even when I’m drunk it annoys me! Yet for a long time, I was afraid of the dark…oh the irony
  13. I once accidentally made my parents think I ran away from home but in reality, I had gone for a bike ride a few miles out of town…the reason why…I was bored…I was in a lot of trouble when they found me!
  14. My favorite animal is the Horse, I just think their beautiful creatures and I can’t say a bad thing about them at all! I can understand why many spend their lives caring for them and owning them and occasionally, me and my fiance have enjoyed Horse Riding as a hobby
  15. People always seem to guess my age wrong, some people guess I’m 5 to 6 yrs younger than I actually am but I’m always so flattered that I never correct them,,,I’m not going to say how old  I am right now…why ruin the flattering? Point is I look younger than I am
  16. I have never watched Back To The Future or any Indiana Jones Movie…or any James Bond Movie or the GodFather…why? I don’t know, I just have never got around to watching any of them.
  17. I am often called the mature one in any group I am in…no idea why, it seems absurd that I would be seen in such a light
  18. Not a lot makes me laugh so if you ever do make me laugh, you must be really funny!
  19. I have a love of travel, in the last five years I have been to Belgium, Holland, France, America, Tenerife and Italy and Japan this year
  20. I believe that we are all on a journey and mine is to be happy and enjoy life for what it’s worth, be nice to all and be respectful.

That’s 20 Facts about me, I hope you enjoyed!

Next time, I write about my favorite quote

Have a good one people!

Stupid Monday

no_mondaysOh dear god, it’s here once again..that horrible day that no one welcomes to the front door, ever! That horrible first day after your weekend…Monday….I hate Mondays…never really liked them and I have no idea why…it just sucks, I mean it’s the first day of the week! the first day after the weekend and it just…I don’t know…it just sucks….bad, like a bad cheese pickle! I woke up this morning with a scowl on my face…I always do on a Monday….everything starts again and the weekend just seems so far away at the time….you just want the day to end as quickly as possible so at least Tuesday is a little bit closer to Friday!

Theirs a reason why Garfield hates Mondays! why we all wish it was the weekend again but you know it’s so far away, like a year until Christmas, Saturdays feel that far away on a Monday morning! When you wake up on this morning and suddenly realise what day of the week it is…you feel a bad feeling in your stomach and all the good feelings you were feeling before is suddenly gone! you want to go back to sleep but you know you can’t, Monday is here and you have to go through the day, whether you want to or not!

  • Hiroshima was Bombed on a Monday!
  • Apparently, more people commit suicide on a Monday!
  • And have Heart Attacks!
  • More People are late for work on Mondays!
  • Bob Geldof’s song I Don’t Like Mondays
  • Black Monday
  • Monday just sucks, End Of!

So relax and pray that Tuesday comes along sooner, rather than later!