A Little Reflection

2017 has been a rocky year for me, to say the least…full of it’s ups and downs but I will look forward to putting this one behind me and moving on to 2018. I haven’t been able to do much writing this year which is disappointing for me! Life has gotten on top of me really at times, to the point that you just wonder why life is worth continuing on with! I’m not depressed or anything in that way, I will admit that 2 deaths in my family has somewhat changed my way of life, amongst other things but I believe that things will turn around and I’ll make sure that it does by working harder and by writing more because that brings out the best in me.

2017 for the world has been a very stressful one, am I the only one who is already fed up with Brexit?! I voted remain but now would rather just get on with it, life goes on but everyday you hear about more issues relating to it and that we must look like fools on the world stage…treating the whole ordeal like a divorce, the EU wants money and to keep control….so what was the point of this whole separation if nothing will really change? Not really one for politics but I continue to live as normal, not really paying attention to the whole situation….in or out, France can still be seen from the Dover Cliffs, they will always be our neighbours and I’ll never stop wanting to visit our brothers and sisters on the continent!

However, the most common place that is always in the news is America! I’ll say it and I don’t care but America….WTF?! Your gun laws make no sense…everyone is entitled to bear arms because of the 2nd amendment?? Isn’t that the same document that has been altered and changed many times through the last hundred or so years? So tell me why the rules for gun control can’t be changed as year…I mean it literally makes no sense, over 13,000 killed by guns in 2015! Whereas in Britain….about 50-60 people! I only ever see guns after a terrorist incident forces danger levels up and the police are forced to carry them around for a while! Apart from that, I never see them and I’m glad of that…who would feel safe, knowing that most people around you might be packing a killing machine in a car, jean pocket or in your face? Every couple of weeks or so, you see on the news that a mass shooting has occurred and more innocent people die because someone got a little angry one day and decided to shoot someone over it?

What justifies so many guns? To look tough? Keep loved ones safe? I’m not saying ban guns altogether but why does it seem so easy to get one and why can so many people access them? I mean I can’t go to my nearest supermarket and buy one?! At least make the process of getting a weapon much harder and why has your president just made it legal for Mentally Ill people to get a hold of them? Things change for a reason…no offence America but you’ve been a country for about 300 so years…much younger than the rest of us and we’ve all had experiences and made changes to our laws because it makes sense! It’s hard to obtain guns over here because it would be beyond stupid to make it easy…do you know what happens when it’s not that hard to buy a machine gun which isn’t legal yet some people still get a hold of them?

Shootings, people dying for no reason! Where does common sense come in here…I mean I have Autism and in America would probably be put on some kind of medication for it but even when I’m angry or mad…I can’t just grab an automated weapon and gun someone down…I go for a walk or talk to a friend or family member and calm down! Yet a guy can obtain weapons and go to a hotel in Las Vegas and kill over 50 people! I mean this year alone, America has had over 300 shootings! Almost one a day! Let that sink in for a moment…I imagine the morning conversations in Europe and America being quite different.


Mum: Your in big trouble when you come home tonight


Mum: Your in big trouble…if you come home tonight

The worst bit about it all is how many Americans DEFEND their gun laws! They have a right to them and will never part with them…I mean with 2018 coming up, will anything really change….I would like to think so, that even America, the most stubborn country sometimes….will wake up and see that all these deaths caused by a lunatic wielding a gun could have been prevented…if they just make it harder, not easier to obtain a gun and not just any guns….the automatics, rifles, machine guns etc What sane person needs a machine gun? I mean I read somewhere that the more mass shootings, the more people go out and buy more guns! Got to protect yourself from that nutter Billy down the block!

People die in other ways as well, diseases…car accidents….yet cars serve the purpose of transportation…the only service a gun should serve is protection…..yet how many people actually use them just in case the house gets robbed or a life threatening situation? At least one shooting a day people!

 ”The ONLY thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” Donald Trump

Constant jabs and insults tossed about the world, mostly between America and North Korea! Missile tests, threats of annihilation…what is the human race at the moment? It’s like we’ve all lost the plot since the millennium began! All sense went out of the window and we get that bit more crazier each time a new year comes around! Can Earth just calm down a little bit before something serious happens, something that we can’t come back from? Maybe make it so you can’t go to your local Walmart and purchase a killing machine…stricter background checks maybe…especially at gun shows where they don’t even do them apparently! A bit of common sense wouldn’t go a miss! Just make the process a bit more reasonable and not like doing a spelling test, most can do! Most of the world learned from mistakes involving guns and changed rules to make it better…why is it so hard for you to do the same?

The way we are going, it won’t be robots, aliens, religious event or other worldly thing to wipe out the human race…we’re good at making things go extinct…does that include ourselves though? Wouldn’t shock me!

Time For Trump Time

Trump is President….it has happened…he is the 45th President of the United States Of America…Oh god…This is coming from a British Guy who couldn’t watch anything else than his inauguration because that was all that was on TV today, I’m not American but this guy affects the entire Planet, not just America even though he says’America comes first’ the whole world was watching today, aware of who the most powerful man on the Planet is now…Obama is gone, Donald has arrived and it’s a weird time because we’ve known it was coming for a few months now.

He has promised to build a great wall to keep Mexicans out…threatened to pull out of NATO which would have disastrous consequences! Wants to repeal the rights for the LBGT community, pretty much, we’re going back in time! Protests occur in America and all over the globe as he is sworn into office…even though it would take something Massive for him to be impeached….especially since his party runs Congress! Face it guys, unless he majorly screws up, he’s here until 2021 at least!  BTW I am no Trump fan at all, just see no point in saying that he’s not the President because no one can do anything about it, sadly.

#NotMyPresidentTrump is all over the place….even though if your an American in America saying this….newsflash…he is your President for 4 years at least! Hey don’t blame me, you guys voted him in! Seriously though, if Hilary Clinton lost to this guy, she’d never be able to beat anyone! How do you lose to Trump? Anyway, we all have to accept what has happened because it’ll happen whether we like it or not, life still goes on regardless but I can see why so many people are panicking at the same time.

Being British and sipping a cup of tea, my own country has it’s own issues right now as many of you know….Brexit and all of that….Wow, you guys made me forget about Brexit….Kudos for that! How did you let it come down to Trump or Clinton? How was that possible America….How? Now everyone is freaking out and worrying about what this guy is going to do over the next 4 years….the man has access to Nukes….he has Congress and if he does any of his ideas, major changes worldwide could be coming…it’s easy to jump the gun on this one because he’s given you enough speeches of his intentions to make you wonder if Planet Earth will still even be here by 2021! It will be, I don’t think anyone is crazy enough to press this thing


I’ve read comments from people wishing the Queen of Great Britain to take America back! Now that’s just silly! People wanting to move to Canada that when the results came out, the main website for people wanting to move to Canada crashed! This man will be in the news most days….for 1460 days at least (4 years) The wall probably won’t happen…Mexico won’t pay for it, they’ve stated that ENOUGH times so what is Trump going to do, pay for it himself, make Americans pay for it?

The guy hasn’t even done anything yet and people are already rioting and smashing stuff like random Starbucks….you know being violent and destructive…the thing they feared Trump would cause….way to go America! Beat the man to the punch, am I right? Why all the senseless violence though? Why go out and smash local businesses, big companies and property, it won’t kick him out of office, your just making ordinary peoples life’s a misery because your country put 2 horrible candidates up for the Election….at least you got to vote for your leader….we just had to put up with ours in 2016…. Did you watch Trump being sworn in? Did you worry, did you cry or did you cheer? Remember, people voted Trump in so many people will be celebrating this as a victory today and if you do, fair enough and if your scared, fair enough….as for me…I’m on the fence and will wait and see what President Trump does first, I mean he hasn’t been in office for long yet and 4 yrs is a long time!

Good Luck Earth!

Autism- 10 Things To Not Say

  • Can’t you get cured? 

    No! Just no! This is a line that I just can’t stand anyone who says this to me in person or online. Why would you possibly think that this is ok? Autism isn’t something that needs curing because it isn’t a disease! If you look at a child with Autism, you wouldn’t think it was disease ridden, would you? No…anyone with a bit of decency about them would want to make that child comfortable and happy, or I hope so at least but when they become an adult, things just feel different….no passion or compassion from anyone, your look upon as a nuisance because apparently for some ‘Autism’ is an excuse for gaining attention. Once or twice, I have been asked if I ever want to have my Autism cured so I  can be more social and I was just annoyed every single time. No one with Autism wants a cure because nothing needs to be cured…what we want is understanding and a bit of compassion here and there! Really wish stupidity can be cured…I mean, did you see 2016 Planet Earth….If anything needs cured….it’s that!

  • Vaccines cause Autism

    Why oh why do I see this on my news feed most days, like it’s being forced down my throat, it’s annoying…really annoying so can people just stop getting so worked up and obsessed over something that isn’t proven to be a fact, it’s just speculation yet I see mass wars break out online over the topic all the time. What is the point of this argument if it won’t ever have a conclusion to satisfy everyone? I know that’s clearly wishful thinking but I think it’s clear that anyone with Autism will automatically shut this one down so NEVER say this one….seriously, don’t! It’s not worth the backlash and to be fair, even if it was ever proven….it would never be accepted and I’m not surprised either…Vaccines prevent some pretty nasty illnesses like Mumps so why would you not have a vaccination?

    God must hate you!

    I’ve had this one three times and I find it quite hurtful because I am made to feel bad for being given Autism by what I assume is God (I’m an Atheist by the way) But to be told that God must hate me so he gave me Autism, imagine being told by a stranger that! Not very nice, is it! I know that the Internet is a very dark and evil place where people say bad things everyday for no reason and all but to be told that the creator hates you so he made it hard for you to make friends can be devastating if your very touchy and insecure. For me, I brush it off but I can imagine that some people would take that comment to heart and that’s a shame if you ask me.  It’s like an intimidation factor because of the god and hell thing…Not a suggestion but why on Earth does it matter if someone doesn’t believe in God or any kind of deity? It’s a choice but to be told that one gave me Autism because of a belief, it’s uncalled for and over the line in my opinion.

  • Are you Retarded?

This word is often used as a term for hatred for anyone with a disability and in my books is one of the worst words you can use to describe another human being! Just imagine being called this word because of what you have….This has ruined my day sometimes just because it sounds nasty, it can’t really be said by accident really, if this word is said, it’s on purpose and it’s meant.  Please do not use this word to insult ANYONE it’s just a bad word that I find dehumanizing and insulting!

  • What Medication do you take?

Oh I see, because you think I’m ill, I need some sort of medication to help myself get better, right? I hear about many people in America being put on some kind of medication and from my understanding, it’s a personal matter. One, why would you ask someone if they were on medication for anything? I wouldn’t be shocked if I asked you that question and you got angry about it! Like the rest of the human race for stating an opinion!  Some take medication for various reasons but I personally don’t need to but even if I did, would it really make a difference to you and your life? Will you not be able to sleep at night without knowing the answer? If someone tells you that they do or don’t fair enough but if you bring the topic up, I find that it would be quite rude because why would you even need to know? I’ll just pry into your health and ask you many personal questions that you might not want everyone to know and see how you feel.

  • You’re not Autistic, you have friends and are married, How? 

I don’t even want to dignify this stupid one with an answer because WHAT DOES BEING AUTISTIC HAVE TO DO WITH IT? Tell me people, how does it prevent you from living life at all? Give me an intelligent answer….you can’t? That’s because anyone with Autism can make a friend, meet someone and get married…ok maybe some won’t get to do all of that but it’s insulting to assume that everyone with Autism will not be able to do all of that…I mean not everyone who doesn’t have Autism will have friends or get married, I’m sure you can be a loner and have no mental health issues you know. It just seems that we have to label everything, you can’t just be normal and not succeed…there has to be a reason for it!

  • Prove It


  • Can You Have Sex?

Wouldn’t you like to know? Seriously though yes, quite easily actually….I have a wife! Why do we all assume that everyone with something is exactly the same? Many people with Autism can have sex…of course they can…last time I checked they had the genitalia required for it like everyone else but I get that some might assume that some people with Autism could easily be taken advantage of and abused in this way probably by some heartless monsters because…seriously we are cruel creatures (Humans) to other species and ourselves…weird but whatever. What on Earth makes you think that someone with Autism can’t have sex….if they have the tool, it is possible…same goes for everyone else.

  • Can You have Children? 

This one has nothing to do with being Autistic! I assume that I can, I have the tools in order to make one but I have never tried to make one before….for all I know I might not be able to for some reason, I’ll know when the time comes but I assume that yes I can as can anyone with Autism because thinking that we can’t is very stupid. Why are these even sayings said by many people? Read a book or look Autism up online people, it’s 2017, what’s your excuse in this day and age for not knowing about something that your curious about?

  • I had no Idea you were Autistic, you show no signs

Ok…what signs are you looking for? Ok so with some people it might be obvious but with many we have no signs on us…I’m not going to stick a label on my forehead to let you know, I really don’t want to make it obvious or I’d have to deal with all of these stupid questions from all of you…nothing like a good old stereotype! Am I acting too normal for you or something? Should I not speak to anyone and sit by myself for you to go ‘that’s more like it?’ Everyone with Autism are different in many ways. For some, it’ll be obvious and for others, you won’t have a clue and for the majority of people, this is just too confusing as apparently, we all have to act the same to make it easier for everyone else…I worry about the human race sometimes.

Does Autism Make Me Invisible?




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Warning- Opinions in this blog are the bloggers only and are not meant to be taken as fact so he advises that if not shared then take with a grain of salt. More to life than getting upset over a strangers opinion if you ask me. But he hopes you enjoy reading the blog regardless.

Does Autism make me ‘Invisible?’ A weird one to ask but if you’ve ever gone without talking to another human being for a couple of days, you might of had that thought before! I have done that before and it’s rather odd yet very bored…it was when this happened that I realised that I don’t completely enjoy complete solitude or that I only like it for so long…I need companionship at some point or I’ll go insane or get very bored.

It is very possible to feel invisible if you have Autism, I mean if you struggle to socialize with other people, then of course it is! I have met some people who have never had a friend before, don’t get along with there family and even prefer to not interact that much with others but to get to the point that you feel like others don’t even acknowledge your existence is somewhat worrying to me.

Have you ever tried to walk through a crowd of people to see if you get noticed or so someone will say hello to you? I decided to give it a go a few years ago and what happened was what I expected….no one said a word to me and as I made it to the other side of the crowd, I felt very lousy and of course I thought about Autism automatically, I don’t know why because it’s not like it’s written all over my face that I have Autism and I certainly wasn’t wearing one of these


My natural instinct was to walk away and go back to the solitude of my room and feel bad for myself which I eventually did, why didn’t I want to be the one to say hello to anyone though?  I admit I was very nervous and terrified actually of rejection, being too easily judged and maybe that’s what would actually make me ‘invisible’ Me! It takes two to have a conversation, not one and I didn’t attempt to speak to anyone either so I am at fault as well but my issue was probably I expect others to want to talk to me.

I learnt over time to not expect others to always come to talk to you, I had to be the one to go and speak to another…you know what they say, if you don’t ask, you don’t get! I just found it fascinating that in a crowd of people, I could still be unnoticeable, invisible and unimportant. ok that last one was silly but the feeling you could have where your look like the only one that no one is talking to because you look a little bit nervous, does it put people off if you look nervous?

This was all at University, which is a big test for anyone with Autism when it comes to being social. So many huge groups of people constantly wanting to socialise and go out clubbing and joining societies yet all I wanted to do was my work, which I was paying to do. At times, it was like I didn’t exist because I was too afraid to step outside of my bedroom on some days….before this time, I had never spend an entire day in bed or go a whole day without saying an entire word, both very weird experiences which I’d prefer to go without doing again, very lonely indeed!

Of course I have been very successful when it comes to be social and not invisible but when you have gone to the other side where you feel that because you have something, no one wants to know you is a weird experience, mainly because it’s not because you have Autism that this happens…it can happen to anyone, with or without anything. Just have to remember that expecting people to come to you doesn’t always work, sometimes you have to go to what you want to have.

Autism and NT’S


Warning- Opinions in this blog are the bloggers only and are not meant to be taken as fact so he advises that if not shared then take with a grain of salt. More to life than getting upset over a strangers opinion if you ask me. But he hopes you enjoy reading the blog regardless.  

Hello everyone, it’s the DailyPickMeUp and today, we talk about NT’s which to be honest, I don’t really know much about, or the term at least.  I have Autism and it has a great impact on my life, so naturally I write a lot about my Autism and how it affects my life but at this point…I haven’t really used the term but have seen many other people use it constantly. I always did wonder why the term needed to exist in the first place really but in the Autistic community, it is widely used yet if I never went online, I would probably still not know about it today.


Nt’s means Neurotypical or allistic which is a more proper term and someone who does not have Autism so for example, my fiance who does not have Autism would be Neurotypical I guess…well it should do considering that it’s anyone who doesn’t have Autism so the majority of the planet’s population, say about 99% or something along those lines! See, told you it was easy!

How do you know if someone is Neurotypical?

So how can you tell if someone you know or love is Neurotypical? Sounds tricky but it’s is very easy, easier than making a coffee actually. The majority of people would be called an NT but I am Autistic so I would not fall into this category! I always knew I was different, even though most people can’t tell I have Autism, they always look shocked when I finally tell them…every single time, it’s a gob smacked face but I bet some think something different when they are pulling that face…wouldn’t be shocked really!

Someone eager to have a long chat with you once small talk is out of the way…I know, I don’t get it either! ,  that no one doesn’t mind looking at you directly, like right in the eyes without looking creepy or breaking away nervously and that is weird to me, I don’t want to stare a hole through anyone, I’ll look briefly out of politeness but that’s it!

Apparently it’s rude to stare yet it’s also rude to avoid eye contact as well, it’s like they think I don’t care or something, yet when I try to stare….I just get nervous and they take it the wrong way every single time, like their day has been ruined by my lack of eye contact or something


What If They Ask You For Your Opinion?

Reassurance seems to be another thing as well, like if someone has a haircut or something new done, they expect you to notice straight away or your the worst person in the world for some reason…maybe it’s just me being polite and not telling you if you look stupid, you ever think of that? I find that honesty can be best because, why ask for an opinion if you don’t want to hear the truth?

Take 1

‘Am I fat?’

‘A little bit but not that much’

‘Your awful’! 

Take 2

‘Am I fat?’

‘No way! you fat? I’ve seen people way bigger, your average!’ 

‘Thank you so much!’

Try and guess which one was the NT responding and which one was the person with Autism responding!

It’s confusing, I know but with NT’S you have to be careful to not tell them straight and honestly what you really think if it’s not positive because they will take it far to seriously and slowly lose the plot, making you out to be a monster for having an opinion and you’ll be left scratching your head, wondering what the hell you actually did?

 Always asking if they look ok and I might tell them want they want to hear but think something different entirely because I know that most people don’t like it straight and to the point, they prefer a long maze of compliments and if I must say something negative, to dress it up as much as possible! Anything bad is like saying I hate you or something, I mean talk about treading on egg shells all day! You watch another NT say something positive and it;s like, your awesome! and I say what I honestly think and it’s a dagger to the heart!

People can be very sensitive I find, will avoid hurting feelings at all costs if you ask me! I get it and I don’t get it because it’s like lying…if someone asks for your opinion and you tell them straight, they get angry but if your sensitive and go around it in whatever way you can think off, all is well somehow?! It’s like people don’t trust their own opinion anymore or something?

Like anyone with Autism, NT’s are all completely different as well but I read a few posts on other people talking about NT’s and they mentioned looking out for signs with people with NT’s and I scratched my head and asked why would you need to do that? Another thing I notice is the enjoyment of body contact to greet or say goodbye to someone, whether it needs to be a shake of the hand to a direct hug…last time I checked, I didn’t expect nor need a hug from my hairdresser, thanks!

What are some signs of anyone that is an NT?

  • Enjoying Small Talk
  • Don’t mind eye contact at all!
  • Enjoy body contact like hugs
  • Dress up any insult as much as possible
  • Don’t like hurting feelings

Anyone who is always up for a chat, wants to make friends with everyone and will be as nice as possible when trying to not insult someone is an NT? A confusing person who will not tell you straight to your face that your haircut sucks but will tell their friends like it’s nothing the second your not around. I never get why some people can’t tell you to your face but can talk about you behind your back like it’s nothing….confusing, right?


It feels weird trying to some up someone with NT, because it’s the majority of the population really, basically….it’s rude to be brutally honest, avoiding eye contact and not making an attempt to talk to everyone that you see every single day! It can be bad if you walk past people and don’t even look sometimes and if you feel really shy, they take it that your being rude…unless you explain of course.

In all seriousness though, some people just don’t like it when you are brutally honest about something, I might not fully understand it but I respect it because I don’t want to upset anyone with an opinion, I’ll stand by it but won’t push it always. I found it weird trying to sum an NT up because I haven’t heard the term for that long and it still feels confusing to me…someone without Autism has a term? Fair enough.

Autism- Do You Understand?

Warning- Opinions in this blog are the bloggers only and are not meant to be taken as fact so he advises that if not shared then take with a grain of salt. More to life than getting upset over a strangers opinion if you ask me. But he hopes you enjoy reading the blog regardless.  

This one is weird to me because all I hear sometimes is how hard it must be for someone who looks after someone with Autism and I just roll my eyes because as good as it is that people are willing to do that, put up with Meltdowns and breakdowns, it’s a lot worse for the person who actually has Autism! This is by no means, no disrespect to anyone but in my opinion, it would be worse for the person who has Autism than someone who has to look after them….far worse. Yes, that person might have to give up free time and such to do so but do you think the person with Autism wants it that way, did they ask for things to turn out this way?

My question is this one…why do some people claim that they understand Autism when they don’t actually have it? I mean, that’s crazy…many people don’t fully understand it, yet they have it! I’m always learning something new and to be honest, the constant worrying and meltdowns isn’t what I would want to happen but I don’t have a choice. Why do I see people who might look after someone with Autism getting so much sympathy for it? Ok so it’s understandable because in some cases it can be incredibly difficult and has to be done every single day but…that doesn’t mean that they fully understand what Autism actually is!

Not a shout out to anyone but I just see it sometimes, how does someone get that much sympathy for it though….why do some people see looking after someone with Autism a massive chore sometimes. In some cases it is but when I hear someone say this in the street

”I have a child with Autism….sometimes I wish I hadn’t”

It annoys me! Because some people view Autism as a whole as in we are all the same….drives me crazy that so when you hear people with quotes like that, it can be worrying sometimes….although I’m sure the majority are not like that at all…one person is still enough to worry me somewhat.

When I was young, I was told that I needed a lot of attention and that my older brother somewhat resented me for it…I felt bad for all of that but everyone would focus more on my parents for having to do that…like it was a nuisance or something…I’m sure that would make many people with Autism feel a bit bad, like a burden!

To have Autism, is something that no one can understand..unless they have it themselves! I’m sorry but no matter how much you think you know what it’s like because you know someone with Autism, you actually don’t and you can’t ever truly ‘know’ what it is really like, you can only have a bit of a clue, that’s it! No offense but how can you really get it…you can have an idea about it but compared to someone who has it, you can’t come anywhere close.

It’s not something that is simple to understand, it’s a complicated and complex thing that you can only understand once you go through the constant

  • Meltdowns
  • Worries
  • Obsessions
  • Feeling like you have no friends

That’s just some examples but the amount of times I hear people claim that they ‘get Autism’ because someone they know has it, I roll my eyes because it’s just not as true as you say it is….it can’t be because you can’t know what it’s like if you don’t have Autism. I understand the emotions and support that others give individuals that have these things but I would not understand what it’s actually like to ‘have it’ it’s a completely different ball game to actually have Autism then to know someone who has it and say help someone who has a meltdown, what about the person having the meltdown? I’m sure it’s far worse for them than the person helping out!

I guess the point is, remember that as hard as it can be to look after someone with Autism…it’s harder for someone with Autism and as for understanding Autism, I just don’t think you can truly understand it, unless you actually have it!

Autism And The Controversy

Note- this isn’t a blog claiming that Vaccines cause Autism, more it’s about how much people with or without Autism constantly argue and debate over the fact to the point that they can last for days. Sitting on the fence for this one…mainly because I don’t really care if Vaccines cause Autism or not…I still have Autism at the end of the day, doesn’t matter to me or changes my life in any way or form so I find the constant bickering and throwing toys out of the pram…pointless but hey, that’s just my opinion, it might matter to you and that’s ok, I won’t rant at you for it.

This is a topic that I have seen dominate all of Autism Awareness Month! A crazy topic that is majorly big yet I must ask, why? Why is this sudden cause to prove that Vaccines either cause or don’t cause Autism argued over so much? Many have spent the last month at least shoving videos and posts down people’s throats claiming that Vaccines are the cause for Autism and if you don’t like it, you get blocked! Sounds fair, right? It would be a shame if someone disagreed with that statement


Don’t be silly, you can’t have an opinion or disagree with someone over it, they’ll get really upset and ‘have an opinion’ you know, the same thing that you have but it’s ok for them to express their’s, you just can’t express yours without being mean or a bully…sometimes even a traitor…funny what some people come up with when their opinion is questioned.

Ok, so everyone has a right to an opinion and that also means that people can disagree with it because that’s THEIR opinion, see how it works? Yet you’ll see so many people go nuts over anyone disagreeing and going against it when there is no need to do so. Either too many people are too proud and stubborn to not back off until they have ‘won’ or don’t discuss it because I have seen people call themselves adults whilst having these arguments and I’m like ‘really’ because you don’t sound like one.

Vaccines is a massive thing to discuss when it comes to Autism and it’s always negative! So much debating and going against one another over something that in all honesty…shouldn’t be that big of a deal, especially since it’s not even 100% proven! Don’t get me wrong, if you are a firm believer in this theory then fair enough, good for you and all of that but the fact of the matter is, people are tearing into each other and running before they need to when it comes to this being ACTUAL fact! Vaccines or genetic, we all have Autism! I’m more bothered about dealing with it in current life right now and I know many parents will be worried about their children, regarding Vaccines and that’s understandable but also understand that either not EVERYONE has a child or that not just children have Autism.

We all have different opinions and ideas about this and chances are, most will argue with someone else or many people over it when really, they probably should just go about their lives, you know the thing that your doing right now…breathing and all that. Surely, you can’t be that bored that you’ll spend hours going on about this with someone you’ve never met before, right?

Can you have your opinion? Yes, of course you can but with that, everyone else get’s one as well and weirdly, I don’t think a lot of people ACTUALLY understand that little bit…other people having an opinion that might not agree with theirs…if they didn’t have a problem with someone disagreeing with their opinion then they wouldn’t spend the next three days trying to explain to that person why they shouldn’t be personally attacking them or someone they know, isn’t that a contradiction? You gave an opinion, someone disagreed with it and you ended up blocking them or going to go on and on and on about how your right and they are wrong, that’s not all about being respectable of other’s opinions, no matter how much you claim that you respect others. If someone disagrees with you, it’s your choice whether you say something back or let it go but don’t act so shocked if the other person defends themselves instead of going ‘Your so right and so much more smarter than me’ you can fight back if you want, it’s your right to do so but you have to understand that it might not go your way.

I guess the point is that you have opinions but not everyone will agree with them and if someone goes against it, you can either say something back or leave it and not make a big deal of it, that’s your choice, no one else can make it for you! Going on about how you can’t have a go at someone…OH YOU CAN! Yet that’s your choice to make! End of day, we don’t like other people telling us what we can and can’t say…well if your a so called adult, make that decision yourself!

Here’s my opinion…it doesn’t matter what causes Autism so why argue over it on Autism Support Groups? I’d rather focus on making lives easier for people who have Autism because discovering the cause of Autism, whatever that may be won’t make it go away, the Autism will still be there and always will be, better to learn how to cope than chase a theory that more than likely be proven wrong in the end like most theories are anyway but then again, it could be right but for me, unless something is 100% proven, I won’t believe it and that’s it. Do I care if you disagree…not really. 

At the end of the day, your still going to have Autism, unless it is 100% proven that Vaccines cause Autism then I won’t believe a word of it because it’s not proven, just speculated along with millions of things daily about the planet. let’s all just agree to disagree?  Let’s just spend all this time helping one another with tips and stories to make life’s easier for people with Autism because I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want to look back years from now and remember all the bickering over something so trivial.

Treat people how you want to be treated


Asperwhat43?! Offensive Comments And Taunts!


Hello and welcome to Asperwhat43?! It’s called Offensive Comments and Taunts! A list of comments made to me during my time growing up and even when I was all grown up!  Why? Because it’s outrageous how many were made…for having Autism…not called for at all and it blows the mind what not understanding something does to a human being!

Anyone else get that little feeling that some people just can’t help talking to you in that stupid childish voice once they learn you have ‘Autism’ like it’s the correct term or something! Drives me crazy because I’m stood in front of someone trying to have a conversation and they are looking at me like I can’t walk across the street without being wrapped in bubble wrap and a helmet on my head! What is it about finding out that I have Autism that makes people treat me that way? I’ve been accused of many things regarding my Autism but this is just silly…very very silly

  • Accused of Attention Seeking
  • Being Anti Social 
  • Being Rude
  • Emotionless
  • Anger Issues
  • Incapable of the simplest of tasks

Over the years, I’ve had so many comments said to me regarding my Autism and I have quite a long list of them to be true! It’s amazing considering what Autism actually is that so many comments would be said for someone that doesn’t always talk and sometimes prefers their own company sometimes! Now I warn you, some might offend or upset you and if they do, I apologize beforehand! Some made me cry, some made me feel stronger

  • Are You Faking it?
  • Seriously, are you faking it?
  • Are You Ok?
  • Why aren’t you talking?
  • What’s Autism…can I get it?
  • You don’t talk much, do you?
  • Why do you sit by yourself?
  • Where are your friends?
  • Why are you weird?
  • E.T called, it’s home time!
  • Didn’t you get the joke?
  • Your an Angry Person, aren’t you?
  • They used to shock people like you in Mental Asylums
  • Should you be out without your parents?
  • Are you a retard?
  • Why do you talk to yourself?
  • Get cured or something!
  • Are you High Functioning?
  • Stop whinging, you have Autism, so what?!
  • Attention Seeker!
  • Your just pretending!
  • No one struggles to talk to people, your such a liar!
  • My child is far more smarter than you, with your virus!
  • Never have children, you’ll spread it!
  • Your broken, get fixed! 
  • Your so gullible
  • (Imitation) Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 
  • Are you alone?
  • Be Normal!
  • Please, don’t come near us, we don’t want to be seen with a freak like you!
  • Why aren’t you like everyone else?
  • You don’t care about anyone, do you?
  • It’s like your not from this planet!
  • Let me help you solve that, you special guy you!
  • You can’t do it by yourself, your slow!
  • Stop being weird!
  • You’ll still live with your parents when your 40!
  • What’s it like being a retard?
  • Why do you act like that?
  • Stop talking about what only you like
  • Your a robot!
  • How proud are you, I had no idea Autistic people could make friends, mind blown!
  • Idiot
  • Get complain online for sympathy
  • All you want is people to feel sorry for you!
  • Your pathetic! 


Well then, I ignored many of them when they were said to me but never forgot! I’ll admit, many of them hurt because yes, I struggle to talk and make friends….do I really deserve to be mocked that much for it? I mean, what is so fun about making someone who struggles to socialize feel even worse? I just don’t get it yet it happens WORLDWIDE! We just enjoy making others feel bad about what they have because…it makes us feel better about ourselves? I don’t know, probably a variety of reasons really but it just blows my mind! You could say that I was a kid when most of these were said…not entirely true, some were said when I was at least 23 and 24, it can happen when your an adult as well, if people know…they sometimes feel uneasy, like I have a disease and I’m not saying all do, it’s a very small number…just enough to make it a big deal to me, it bothers me because I don’t do anything out of the ordinary…I just don’t always talk!

Is that all it takes? Not talking as much as society deems as sociable? I honestly didn’t know about the talking stick, if you don’t talk so much within a day, you get an insult hurled your way! That’s how it feels and it’s all down to people not understanding what Autism is…so many people have told me that they thought I was just rude and an attention seeker before I told them I had Autism, some didn’t talk to me anymore and the rest understood and didn’t give me a hard time anymore…funny how much changes once people understand! Future generations need a more wider explanation to what Autism is because chances are some one in the school they go to will have it!

Another thing that bothers me is when someone accuses people with Autism of not being able to stand up for themselves! I can do that just fine thank you, I don’t need anyone to defend me if someone wants to call me a name, I’ll do it right back, don’t you worry about that! If you are being poked or shoved…do you stand and take it or do you fight back? I don’t promote violence at all but I don’t advise just taking it! Stand up for yourself! People assume someone with Autism is an easy target, easy to manipulate…that’s why this new Mate crime stuff has been appearing all over the place but I’ll talk about that next time!



Arsenal vs Leicester City- Clash Of Contenders

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, the day we all spent with our other love in our lives before we spent it with our loved ones afterwards! This is a big, big game today as Arsenal face off against the biggest underdogs in Premier League history, Leicester City and I say that because…come on, who thought Leicester City would be 5 points clear at the top of the Premier League ever?!  1st vs 3rd with 2nd and 4th looking on as this game could pretty much decide whether Arsenal really can stay in the Tittle Picture or whether it becomes a 3 team race to the finish line because you can’t forget Spurs

Just imagine being a Leicester fan right now, your not thinking about playing Manchester City, Arsenal and Liverpool again next season, your thinking of possibly welcoming teams like PSG, Barcelona and Bayern Munich to the King Power Stadium and making history by winning the Premier League, something you will tell your families and friends about for decades to come, something that everyone will always remember and say ‘Hey, remember when Leicester City defied odds and won the Premier League?’ Just imagine if today, Leicester win and Manchester City lose or draw with Spurs?! if a draw happens, Spurs are on 49 and Man City 48 and if Leicester City beat Arsenal than they are on 56 so it would look like this if Leicester beat Arsenal and Spurs and City tie

  1. Leicester City 56
  2. Tottenham 49 (tie)
  3. Manchester City 48 (tie)
  4. Arsenal 48

(Leicester would be 7 points clear! THAT CAN HAPPEN PEOPLE)

Or if Arsenal win and Spurs and Manchester City tie, it’ll look like this

  1. Leicester City 53
  2. Arsenal 51
  3. Tottenham 49 (tie)
  4. Manchester City 48 (tie)

Of course Arsenal and Leicester City could tie and Spurs or Man City could win so these two would happen

(If Spurs Win)

  1. Leicester City 54
  2. Tottenham 51
  3. Arsenal 52
  4. Manchester City 49

(If City Win)

  1. Leicester City 54
  2. Manchester City 50
  3. Arsenal 49
  4. Tottenham 48

As a Gunner, I find this hard because of COURSE I want Arsenal to win the Premier League, couldn’t call myself a true fan otherwise! However, if Arsenal don’t win this time round, then I want go for Leicester! What a story it would be if they actually pulled it off, it would be bigger than when Blackburn Rovers won it all! You look at all the money the big clubs spend every season, especially Manchester City, Manchester United and Chelsea…wish I could add Arsenal in that list but we all know that story. Leicester spent just under £38 million this time round which ok, is a bit of money but Arsenal spent £42.5 on Ozil! One man and that is about the amount top clubs spend on one man! Spending that much money is usually the norm in this day and age for football, I mean how much have Newcastle spent this season, they are the opposites of what Leicester City have been this season, a total shambles to be fair! Leicester have been great and no matter where they end up in the table, they will be the team every one talks about, even if they don’t win the league, they have to get a place in the top 3! They just have to or for me, it’s a travesty!

I have always somewhat enjoyed having Leicester City in the Premier League, I cheered when they survived last season, when they beat Man United in that thriller match 5-3, when Emile Heskey played for them! When the stadium used to be called the Walkers Stadium! Ranieri is a great manager and I have always admired him, even when he was at Chelsea, he is a good manager and if anyone deserves a Premier League Championship to his name, it’s him!

However as a Gunner, my loyalties lie with Arsenal so of course I am going for an Arsenal win, we are playing at home and our injured players are starting to return as well as Alexis Sanchez and his skills, Ozil is amazing as always and we defeated Leicester the last time we played them at the King Power Stadium so forgive me for feeling a bit confident today. it was 5-2 the last time round but remember, Leicester began the impressive run right after we defeated them so things could be so different this time round but it’s a more must win for Arsenal than Leicester, if Leicester lose than they stay top and play Norwich next while we play Man United at the end of the month so in my mind, a loss wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for Leicester but a win would make them red hot favorites to win the Premier League!

I will go for a close 3-2 win for Arsenal, I see goals and mistakes today in what could be the biggest game so far this season for both sides, if the entire League itself! By the end of the day, the top of the table may look a bit more precise or a complete change might happen again, apart from 1st place…how far will the rest of the pack be behind the Foxes?


Asperwhat41?! You, Me And Other Aspies

This one I have both heard about and thought about for as long as I have had Autism, it’s something that I don’t always like to think about because some might think it’s a touchy subject because of the tension it could bring but alas, I still see people write about it, ask questions online on threads, Facebook and such. It is an interesting question because a lot of people at least wonder it?

Just because you have Autism, does that mean you get on with everyone else that has Autism?

That’s a tough one because firstly you would think that you would be able to relate with someone that knows what it’s like to be shy in public quite often, prefer to be alone from time to time and what it’s like to go into meltdown mode sometimes. When you have gone through life with so many people just not getting you, you might just start to assume that not a lot of people will always…you, so when you think you have found someone that surely will, you automatically assume you will get along with that individual because they have what you have….even though you might not have anything else in common, hobby wise and with you both trying to talk about your interests and not being able to get a word in edge ways…it might get a little annoying, I don’t know!

I think an understanding is always there to be seen, I mean if you both have Autism you will understand whereas someone who doesn’t might not be able to at the same extent…for me, I feel that only a couple of people I know will somewhat get what it’s like to be me and have constant worries all the time and what it’s like to have an actual meltdown but the differences could make it difficult as well because as we all know, no one with Autism is the same, just because you both have it doesn’t mean your the same at all, you could be complete opposites!

Personally, I don’t think it makes a difference if the other person has Autism or not, if you like each other you do, if you don’t then you don’t! I get along with NT’S and people who have Autism and I don’t get along with some NT’S and some people with Autism. If your nice and give me a chance then we can be friends but it really doesn’t matter to me if you have Autism or not, you can still be a d***

Have A Good Night!