Thomas The Tank To Have Extra Girl Power

Thomas The Tank Engine is a children book and television series that has been around since the late 1940’s…well not the TV series but the book have and many have fond memories of the show but over the years, it has gone through changes, such as CGI, more songs, characters etc and in 2018, it appears that another huge change is happening in the heart of it all, Tidmouth sheds where two engines are being evicted but before we go into that, let’s look at the engines that represent the genders.

For the boys, we have.

  • Thomas
  • Percy
  • Edward
  • Gordon
  • Henry
  • James

And for the girls, they have

  • Emily


I guess when you look at that, the balance is quite far off….by quite a bit! Probably because engines don’t think about gender or equality…because they are engines and have no such notion but alas, it’s a show written by humans so our notions must be added in so real life politics, issues must be included…even if it makes no sense because at the end of the train…it’s about an engine and who watches the show.

More female characters in the show, that’s fine with me and that’s something that confuses me a bit as well, why would it bother anyone if a show meant for children adds a couple of new characters in? Let me get this straight when I say that this is a children’s show that has been around for a very long time, 70 plus years so it is close to a lot of people who grew up with it, myself included and the addition of two new characters isn’t a problem for me but possibly getting rid of two classic engines such as Edward or Henry in order to do it….that I have a problem with! Is the Fat Controller being stingy and not bringing in Welsh coal anymore? (If you’ve watched the show, you’ll get that!) Poor Henry. 

Two classic engines from day one are getting the boot, possibly just being moved elsewhere on the island (fingers crossed) so the 2 new female characters, which will be forced down your throats for the foreseeable future can move in and that’s a problem to me…not that they are female but such a big deal is being made out of it…like women are never represented or something…like anywhere???? Most television shows I watch have female main characters, what is everyone going on about….is it just children’s shows we are going on about?

The United Nations, (the article doesn’t belong to me but the Daily Express) of all things is getting involved with this show…making Thomas travel the globe and make the show gender neutral…I had no idea that of all things to show how important gender equality was…Thomas The Tank engine was the way forward?! It feels like our children today are being told what is ok and what isn’t and it feels so controlling because as far as I’m aware, we all get so easily offended if both genders aren’t represented equally in entertainment programs and the innocent days of my childhood are long gone…it’s not like I ever went up to a girl in my youth and said

‘You don’t have a train representing your gender because you don’t matter!’ 

IT’S A TRAIN! Children don’t think about stuff like this at that age, let them be kids! I didn’t even think about which trains were boys or girls, it never mattered to me yet today, it means everything! The comment sections on any news article about well anything is a cesspool of offended people who act like they know everything….they can’t sleep at night because you don’t have 5 female main trains and 5 main male trains….it drives them insane and their children will grow up to be sexist monsters, NO THEY WON’T!

Perhaps ask your children if they like the change or not…don’t tell them it’s for the best if they don’t like the idea…what happened to having an opinion anymore? I respect this idea and don’t mind it happening but I know why it’s happening and it just makes me laugh a little because it makes no sense….adding two more female engines into a show for children won’t change anything! Why do you think it will? Steam trains or diesels in this show don’t have relationships of sorts…you don’t have couples or superiors etc it will promote friendships and the world, making it unimportant which gender it is doing it! I wouldn’t care if it was a male engine or female, as long as I like the character, that’s all what would matter to me, not be told…‘like the girl engines darling!’ All it will do is give the show a few more episode ideas etc

Don’t the UN have a better way of supporting Gender Neutrality other than using a children’s show to do it? Now…I know many will tell me to get a grip and that it’s only a television show but that’s exactly the point…it’s a television show for children…why is the news/media making a huge deal out of it, why do we see people online arguing over it….being called racist and sexist? Why can’t children decide for themselves instead of us lot telling them how they should think…if the world was a better place and everyone didn’t get offended every 5 bloody minutes over the gender of a train that isn’t even real!  They possibly wouldn’t think in the way that we assume they will!

I seriously don’t remember my childhood being this difficult at all, I never thought boys were better than girls and still don’t…I was a child, why would I think that deeply at that age…unless someone else influenced me to think the way that they want which is what we do nowadays, to be politically correct and nice 24/7 so we aren’t labelled as racist or sexist by strangers on the internet but why aren’t we allowed to come to these decisions on our own? If I was a child, I’d feel so much pressure to not accidentally say or do something that would offend someone else because we all constantly step on egg shells in 2017….I swear 2010 to 2020 will be looked back at as the decade we all lost our spines and got offended so easily.

Again though, it’s a just a show that’s trying something new and it hasn’t even had the new characters arrive yet but so many of us have already begun moaning and complaining because another treasured show from our youth has been changed for another generation to enjoy, believing that it’s forcing children to accept gender equality etc…is it really though? I mean a child could easily watch this and not listen to a single message from it, maybe they won’t care how many male or female trains are in the show they’ll likely want to buy them all anyway which is in my opinion, the main point for all of this….marketing…more characters, more money made in train toy sales…merchandising people, it’s what successful shows do!

At the end of the day, the show gets 2 new characters that happen to be female, hopefully Edward and Henry can still be in the show and the whole travelling around the world thing can be a success as well, who knows but it’s early days and remember, this is a show for children, yet we see grown ups arguing over it online…let the children decide whether it’s a good idea or not. Also, we are all losing the plot over the gender of a new steam train on a children’s show…try and remember that!

Autistic Boy Left With Nail In Head

The images in this post are the property of the Nottingham Post and is only used as a visual, not for anything else.

This story today is called Autistic Boy Left With Nail In Head and if you click this link here, it’ll take you to the story in question that we are talking about today! I personally find this incident disturbing and horrifying so be prepared if your easily offended or sensitive.

A boy in Mansfield, England has been assaulted by a group of vicious bullies and to top this all off, they threw a plank of wood at this young lad which had a nail stuck to it…which unfortunately when thrown at Romeo, attached into the back of his head, causing him to have to go to hospital. The nail was thrown so hard that it bent in his head…just imagine that for a second, a group of older kids felt the need to pick on a vulnerable child and throw a plank of wood with a nail in it at him…with his Father right there…I swear if I ever got a hold of any of these kids, I’d want to put them in hospital myself…especially if it was my child that was assaulted in such a manner…I wouldn’t but I’d be furious! That is messed up and disgusting behaviour because it was unprovoked, it was one vs many and it was pointless! Try that on someone who will fight back, SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN!

Now I can’t assume that the kids knew that Romeo had Autism but even if they didn’t, this is still appalling…why do groups of children feel to need to act this way, what does it prove exactly, that they’re tough but what if Romeo had died, what then? Wouldn’t be so funny then…all of these people would have to live with that stupid decision for the rest of their lives, it would follow them everyday, one stupid decision and don’t give me the ‘they were only kids’ line…things like this happen everywhere and the UK is a nanny state enough as it is…but then again, in the UK…you can’t exactly discipline children if they are naughty….Go on the naughty step…that’ll teach you!

When I was a child, if I was naughty….I was disciplined and you know what…I grew up to be respectable and responsible for my actions because I was taught what was right and what was wrong…does that happen today in 2017….HELL NO! Everywhere I go, kids do what they want and nothing ever happens to them, they run amok without a care in the world and they are smarter then we all seem to give them credit for, they know we won’t do anything and they use that to their advantage! Mum and Dad won’t punish me for my action so I’ll keep doing it, what are they going to do…put me in the corner for a bit…so scary!

Not suggesting hitting your child because that has a negative effect as well but we must have a way to discipline our children that isn’t violent but teaches them respect and to behave as well…I just don’t see sitting on a naughty step or a corner teaching them anything…I mean a child had a nail stuck into his head that was thrown so hard, it bent in his skull! If I had done that, I’d not see the sunlight for a year…I’d get nothing and I’d deserve nothing…my parents would be so ashamed, disgusted at me and yes I’d be upset at this but I’d understand it as well, I would have caused this and I needed to fix it! what will these lot get? Probably nothing.


Of course these bullies threw a board…what will happen to them? A slap on the wrist more than likely…you can’t really give these idiots what they deserve because you can’t do that to children anymore, they get away with EVERYTHING! I mean you have some dressing up as bloody clowns every October and November and carrying knives! Parents aren’t allowed to properly discipline children or they’ll get into trouble…no wonder acts like this are on the rise! And I know some like to wrap kids in cotton wool and protect them from all the kidnappers and molesters of the world, stop them from eating nothing but junk food and that doing anything mean to a child is making them a better person…but is it? No consequences for your actions….can do what they want and get away with it….is that really better? Surely a middle ground between the two is needed because at this rate, stuff like this will get worse.

Is this the kind of behaviour that we all have to be concerned about when it comes to kids bullying others? Not just name calling or being beaten up but to be physically assaulted with a foreign object and sent to the hospital? Why….why on earth is stuff like this happening all over the globe? This happened while one of the parents was around, the group did not run away before doing this…that just shows that they didn’t care one little bit and that sickens me to my stomach….just imagine the parents that this lot had if they act like this and I know you can’t always blame the parents for how children always turn out but someone has to be responsible for not understanding the severity of this action.

Then again, why did Romeo’s parents let him wander off in the first place? I’m not putting any blame on them but if they were aware that he does this then perhaps they should have gone for him long before they arrived home but you can read all about this story in the link at the top of this page. I bet they won’t let him do that again! At the end of the day, these kids won’t be disciplined, the parents won’t be warned and stuff like this will keep happening, the cycle repeats itself! What a crazy world we all live in!

Get well soon Romeo, don’t let this stop you from living your life!

Autism- American Bus Aide Slaps 6 Year Old Autistic Girl!

Image is not my property nor is the video and I do not claim them to be so! They are used as examples only. They are the property of KTLA.  

I found this on the internet today..apparently in America…near Chicago to be exact, an incident occurred where a bus aide has slapped a 6 year old girl  called Kaylee who has Autism! If you watch the video bellow or are able to find the clip, you will see that the little girl is having a meltdown and in the heat of the moment, spits on the bus aide and this results in the hit to a child! Well the spitting isn’t in the video but it was in an article that I read about the incident but even so, the striking of a child in this manner shouldn’t be accepted, especially if the child can’t actually tell you what the matter is because she is unable to speak!

The incident has apparently left little Kaylee afraid of strangers and has left her parents very furious for the actions of this bus aide, what were they thinking? You would slap a baby if it was being noisy so why slap a child if they are having a meltdown? Even if she didn’t have Autism, smacking shouldn’t have been an option whatsoever! It’s a child…you don’t need training to know this, it’s common sense.

If it were my child that had been hit by a bus aide or anyone for that matter, I’d be utterly furious! Wouldn’t you? Proper training and understanding of Autism is required for anyone working with children, especially if the school and bus company knew about Kaylee, this can’t be news to them!

It has become clear that this bus aide had next to no idea how to deal with Kaylee, being only working as such for two weeks and had never been trained in how to aid Kaylee in a situation such as this which you also have to fault the bus company for not properly training the individual!

Never should have happened and people need to be more better trained when it comes to aiding disabled children so we can prevent this horrific abuse because people can’t handle the situation!

My Autism And Me

By Matthew Whitehouse

Everyone with Autism has something significant about that makes it different from another with Autism, such as hobbies, fears, what makes us tick etc some have High functioning and some have Mild Autism and one more thing, many view their Autism in different ways. Some hate it because they get bullied and don’t enjoy others not being able to understand what Autism is and others don’t mind it as much because it doesn’t affect life in any way really, they go about and function their daily lives like everyone else. I feel like I have loved and hated my Autism at certain stages of my life, rather hating it when I was younger but growing to accept it over the years, learning that nothing can’t be overcome, all hills can be climbed if your determined enough and if you don’t speak out, nothing will ever change.

My Autism has been with me for over 25 years now, although I’ve only known about it around 12 of those years now, the rest was just a guess at best but we all know that Autism doesn’t just develop after birth so 25 years it is…controlling my life way before I knew about it. For me, I didn’t grow around anyone like me, I was all alone in a environment where it would seem I was the odd one out, the piece of a puzzle that just didn’t fit! No one could figure me out, hell I couldn’t! As a child, it was alright but my family thought something else was wrong with me so Autism never came close to being discovered as they were looking elsewhere, as far as they were concerned…I was just a late developer who learnt everything a bit later after most kids did…that was all…it was more the Teenage years that I felt like a prisoner of ones own mind, like a sleeping giant awakening and seeing the world for the first time.

What can I say after all these years, 25 is a quarter of a life if you intend to make it to 100, a big slice of the pie is gone and looking on wards to 50…I can only wonder what challenges me and my Autism face, I mean it was tough enough with School, College and University but now I have a partner which I’m getting married to soon, growing older as the years go on and on and more than likely will become a Father in the next couple of years so that’s a lot of new things to do and learn from but the question is, will I get better with dealing with my Autism in areas such as meltdowns, taking everything so seriously and realizing that others rely on me every day, I shall have to wait and see but I’ve got to this stage and I have done well, so there is no reason why I still can’t do what I’ve always been doing.

However in this ever changing world that still is without hover boards and or even self fastening shoe laces, many look for a cure for Autism…personally, I’d say no to it because…I just can’t imagine my life without my Autism anymore, it’s impossible! Well after 25 years, I’m not surprised…well you could say I have gone without Autism on the bases that I was unaware about it for so many years, I had no idea such a thing existed and if I had never been diagnosed, chances are I would be like the majority of people in the world and not have a clue what the hell Autism is but over the years, I have learnt to adapt and now, it’s barely causes me any problems in the world…sometimes I have even forgotten I have Autism due to the minimal issues it now causes compared to what it once did cause.

I don’t understand facial expressions, jokes or tone of voice at all, I will always need a bit of help to fully understand it all but I wouldn’t change a thing about me because it would be like accepting that their is something wrong with me, my Autism is me! If you take it out, your taking a part of me out! Some might not understand this, why wouldn’t I want to be able to do what ‘normal people’ can do on a daily basis like get jokes, find it easier to make friends and such…answer is most of the time I can already do those things up to an extent, I have friends and I can get jokes sometimes, if a cure ever came about one day…like I said, I would refuse it and always would…I will never acknowledge such a thing because as far as I can tell, there is nothing to actually cure…loads of people struggle to make friends or get jokes and they might not have Autism…no one goes about looking for a cure for them…but when your labelled, a ‘cure’ must be found!

I am just fine the way I am, I have achieved so much more than anyone ever gave me credit for and that’s enough for me, I have proven I am just like everybody else in this world, I can work, make friends, have a laugh or two and create memories that I will take into my grave when my time is up, knowing that I have lived a good life, knowing that my family is secured long into the future for many generations afterwards…I just I’m remembered for being the fun loving, kind man that everyone always says that I am…I just hope I don’t embarrass my kids that much!  And yes, I’m that confident I’ll become a parent, a great one in fact…I can just feel it…I’m determined to always be there and support my family, create a friendly environment for them to grow up so they can start their own journeys in this world…that’s my next journey! I think I’m up for the task though, for sure I really am.

Asperwhat25?! Being An Autistic Parent- Can I Do It?

I’m not so sure about this one…I’m aware some may have an issue with this discussion but let me assure you, I have no intentions on doubting or questioning anyone with Autism’s abilities in this field…that is not the topic here and I would never do that anyway, I am against anyone who doubts or says anything negative about Autism! No Personal Attacks are welcome here! It’s probably down to my low confidence that I ask this but it’s something that has been  on my mind ever since I really got together with my fiance…I have Autism….what would happen if I had a child with her?? Now let me explain here because from where I stand, you can’t help but blame me that I may think that if I had a child, they may also have Autism like I do?? I remember myself being a struggle and creating chaos…I think I would slam my head against the wall as I slept…screamed if anyone other than my parents held me etc Yet my parents managed and raised me…they are the strongest people that I know and I respect them for that and I always will do.

I am really not saying it wouldn’t be bad to have a child and worry if they’ll have Autism like I do, let me make that clear right here…what I mean is…can Autism be passed down from parent to child? I have no idea if it can or can’t…does anyone know the answer to that? Because as far as I’m aware, neither of my parents have Autism yet I do! I’m not going to pretend that having a child with Autism would be easy because lord knows I was hard work…I made my parents life’s so hard growing up…mainly because I didn’t know about my Autism at the time, we were all in the dark.

I guess because I have Autism, I might be a slight be worried about looking after someone else with it and that’s down to knowing what I was like as a child, it wasn’t easy…not understanding what everyone else was able to, always being misunderstood and not realizing how hard I made things for my parents… I’m worried that my children would worry themselves one day if they thought to themselves that they were making mine or my fiance’s life that much harder which wouldn’t be true at all, I’ll always love my children! I guess the art of connecting due to that one little trait most people with Autism can relate to…socializing but surely I can’t say I’d do a good job automatically just because I have it and know what it’s like?! I don’t know but what I do know is that I’d love my children no matter what, Autism or not…they’d be my children and I’d always do anything for them!

I want to be a good parent, one who is always there for his children and family…I’ll never give up on them…I’ll always be there for them…even if they don’t want me to be…I believe I can do these things…I just want that doubting voice in my mind to stop telling me that because I’m Autistic, I’ll really struggle and crack under the immense pressure but I know I’ll be fine with it because I having a loving fiance and a great family by my side and they’ve helped me grow over the years, because of them…My Autism didn’t make my life that much harder anymore because I saw that it didn’t have to..all because I found great people that accepted me…they didn’t care that I had Autism and that helped me grow and my children will grow up in a household where they will always be loved, I’ll make sure of that!

Is it that I doubt my ability of becoming a good parent because of my Autism…I mean I went to college and university and conquered those doubts but a child is a whole different ball game! it’s another life and it’s your job to look after them and help them grow, learn and go out into the world, it’s a big job…possibly the biggest we as humans can do! Raise another and I guess if I had a child, Autistic or not…I’d be worried because of myself…It can sometimes take me a while with new things but I know that I can get there and overcome that obstacle because I need to…I still always wonder what that first moment will be…when I see their little face for the first time…will I cry?

I’m not asking if people with Autism can be parents? Of course they can! I guess I’m worried about my own abilities of becoming a parent because I’m still in a battle learning about my own Autism yet my child could show different signs to what I did growing up, I remember what I was like growing up and as for my partner…can I always say…don’t worry…I know what to do if say…our child has a meltdown…struggles to socialize etc I know at first, I’ll understand and possibly even see the signs but if my partner doesn’t, I wouldn’t want that to cause stress or friction between us.

No Harm or Offence is intended in this blog…I guess it’s a worry I’ve had about myself for a long time and wondered if anyone could relate or even give some advice regarding this matter because I want to be prepared for that big day that I do become a Father!

Many Thanks World

This Isn’t An Autistic Screening

Today was a lovely day, full of sunshine, bowling and a great day out at the movies! Let me say that I’m Autistic and all, although I’ve said that in many previous Blogs in the past and in another blog I said that it’s not just Autistic people created noise in a cinema…well today I was pretty much proven right as me and my fiance decided to go and see the new Minion movie (her idea) since she wasn’t up for Jurassic World…I’d seen it already so not a big deal…even though it’s an awesome film but anyway…as we struggled to find seats, I saw two near the front and behind us was a family of about four and one looked nervous and was quite loud, I knew immediately that something was wrong however I chose to sit their regardless.

The kid sat behind us could not sit still and kept making lots of noise, kicking the back of my seat and his Father was always telling him to calm down and he was doing a really good job about it. I sat forward for most of the movie, well I do that most of the time anyway so I didn’t really feel any of the kicks but I could still hear him shouting and sounding happy but was I annoyed by this…angry even? Not really, from the minute I took a seat, I knew that he had something…you could just tell but I still chose to sit their because whatever he had…it wasn’t his fault so why take it out on him or his family when they were just their to have a good time and enjoy the movie? Besides, it wouldn’t have been the first time someone had constantly kicked the back of my seat in a cinema…some people just don’t care

I didn’t miss any of the movie by the way, it was quite good! I didn’t lose focus because someone behind me was making noise every now and then, I know some might do, even though he couldn’t help it because

  • They paid to see the movie like everyone else
  • It’s rude to be noisy
  • Or…some people just think way too highly of themselves and would lose the plot over the smallest of things
  • Or…some people are just dicks if they get winded up over something like a small noise

Afterwards, one of the parents felt the need to apologize and explain that he had Down Syndrome and got excited sometimes…their was no need to say sorry at all…I was never mad about it at all nor should anyone really…within reason, I mean if they assaulted you then fair does, complain but if they just make a small noise here and their and might kick the back of your chair every now and then, I don’t think that’s a great reason to say something if you know that they can’t help it…you knew that the parents would feel bad, embarrassed even because they know that their child will act up and won’t be quiet but they handled it really well, they didn’t try to ignore it at all and were very kind about it and I commended that because it can’t be easy.

A little compassion, understanding and kindness can go along way people, remember that?

When One Door Closes, Another Opens

Hello World, and it’s another birthday for me today, my 25th in fact and I don’t know why but I feel that this one is very significant…25 is a quarter of 100…that is if I make it to 100 but the point is, that’s a quarter come and gone….I am now entering the next quarter of my life 25 to 50 and I’m not so sure how to feel about that because it’s like the first door of my life is about to close, lock away for all time and the next one is about to open, the next stage of my life which if all goes to plan will have been get married and start a family of my own

Here are a list of my achievements from 0-25

  • Been Born- 25th June 1990
  • Nursery
  • Learnt to Walk…took me a while ok
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • High School
  • Discovered I had autism 2003
  • College
  • First Job
  • University
  • 2013- Short Story Published
  • Got Engaged
  • Second Job
  • Third Job

Basically I was born, went to school, college and University and got a job as well as engaged to the love of my life, can’t wait for the wedding. I did other stuff and all that but that was the main stuff. It feels good to remember what you’ve been up to in the past, what you’ve learnt from it and what your planning to do next

How many days have I been alive up to this point?

I am 9130 days old. that actually doesn’t sound so bad, I thought it’d be a bigger number then that…not even been alive for 10,000 days yet

Which is 1304 weeks and 2 days.

That’s 24 years and 364 days, including 6 leap years*,
or 24 years, 52 weeks and 0 days.

In other words, that’s 300.03 months.
Therefore, you are 25 years old.

Countries I’ve visited

  • Isle of Man
  • Spain
  • France
  • Tenerife
  • America
  • Belgium
  • Holland
  • Italy

I love birthdays in a way, it’s nice to celebrate the day you put your Mother through agony for goodness knows how long and entered the world, screaming your head off but we all did it…presents, people wishing you a happy birthday…it’s all nice and you only get one a day so make the most of it. One of the only days I get a brand new game! apart from Christmas and Easter, can’t wait to play Batman tomorrow

Probably the most important moment of this time was when I was diagnosed with Aspergers in 2003, It was tough finding out that I had Autism because it changed the game and the way I looked at life because now a label was their, never to be removed but I feel now that it is no longer an issue for me, it doesn’t affect my life in any way whatsoever but you wish that if I was like this just a few years before hand then who knows?? Maybe I could have gotten a great mark at University and made more friends because I would have spoken more and appeared to be more interesting than I was perceived as but hey…things happen for a reason, right? But I do have friends, a great family and a fiance that loves me for me….can’t see where I really went wrong.

I have always wanted to try to like life better for people with Autism so more people just understand what it is and understand how difficult the most basic things can be for someone with Autism and maybe be a bit more kinder about it, one can hope anyway…I’ll continue to write about the condition, using real life experience and who knows…maybe someone will get inspired by it and feel that they can have a good life…if they just look past the stereotypes and get out into the world…screw labels!

I wish myself a Happy Birthday and another good 25 years on this Blue Marble..soon to be followed by little footsteps, I’m sure being a parent will be so much fun…

Time Waits For No one

June, I love this month of the year, it’s a good month in my opinion

  • Halfway through the year
  • My Birthday
  • It just sounds nice

I turn 25 on the 25th of June and apparently from what many people have told me….time speeds up after this age and before I’ll know it, I’ll be 50 yrs old…I hope time doesn’t go by that quickly! I’d hate the first grey hairs, wrinkles and aching bones to appear that quickly! Lord knows where I’ll be at the age of 50, will I have children? be married? will I live where I am? What will I have accomplished by then? Scary thoughts because when your 0 you don’t think about any of this, how can you? And who’s to say I’d even make it to 50, I can’t predict the future…I plan to make it much beyond that age, who knows…maybe I’ll write a blog 25 yrs from now, just to remind you that I made it.

When your 25, it’s like being 0 again, except your brain is so much more wiser and your more experienced as a person, you ask questions about what you want to get done in the next quarter of your life, that is of course if you plan to make it to 100! it’s like period of your life is over and a brand new door is about to open, the room is bright and you can barely see a thing but it’s the next chapter of your life and when you’ve crossed to the other side of it…your going to look so much different! scary yet exciting, don’t you think, I mean 25 doesn’t sound like an old age yet it’s an important one at the same time because if you go by the lifespan of 100 yrs, that’s a quarter of your life done!

Before I reach 50, I’d love to achieve all of these goals

  • Be a Father, A good one
  • To have seen Japan, Australia and Canada
  • Skydived (even though I hate heights)
  • Still be Happy
  • Still have hair!

Is this the part of the journey where you get a little scared, education out of the way and you are responsible for everything in your life now, and soon enough your likely to be teaching the life lessons that you were taught by your family, hoping that you can do just as good as a job, if not a better one.

Wish I was 18 again

Stormy Saturday

Woke up a 5am today, should be illegal!

A rather stormy day, with flooded roads where speeding cars would soak you as they race through the puddles of water. It was like going swimming just by walking up the street, truly a bad day for Yorkshire. I see people still recovering from the Election in our great land, many are upset and angry and what’s to come whereas others are reserving judgement…for now.

The weekend is meant to be a relaxing time where you recover from the events of the week, although after this week…might need more than the weekend because the next 5 years has been decided over here and people are scared! The weather matches the mood today, stormy and pouring with anger!

Have written many weird pieces this week, some poetry and stuff…all didn’t take so long to write, mostly an hour to be honest, just stuff in my head but it’s all fun, ain’t it? shall keep on writing random gibberish in the future because I enjoy doing it, a lot. Saw the family today, well one must keep up appearances with the parents are they might think I’m ignoring them, and I don’t want that! along the way, I saw a baby lamb jumping up in a field freely and a stranger offering energy bars on the train, I kindly declined his offer but it’s weird just what events one can come across simply by boarding a train!

Me and Emma didn’t fall out today, that’s a first! what witchcraft is this?! well theirs a first time for everything!

As we walked back home after a nice day back home, we saw three youths trying to start a fight with a couple who were waiting for a bus, we didn’t see the start off it but they were really winding the man up to no end, we were afraid that something bad might happen but as we walked up the hill, we saw cooler heads prevail, either that or the youths just got bored and went off into the local park to bother someone else.

Now my fiance is fast asleep…so much for watching Guardians of the Galaxy, maybe tomorrow, for now I shall rest and watch the news…bought a newspaper today…feel so grown up!

Until next time Readers

Snow, Football and Maids

Following a rather embarrassing dream about noodles, I decided it was time to wake up and enter the real world again (crazy I know) It’s always a joy to wake up next to Emma, she looks so cute asleep. And it’s a Sunday and it’s my first bloody day off for a week so how should I spend it? catching up on some television?? seeing friends? spending the day with Emma?? No….I’ll go and see the parents for a day instead! Why not…it’s always good to go back to my roots and all

It started to snow…out of the blue, it was so unexpected how it went from Sunshine to darkness and snow in such a short amount of time but that’s British weather for you, I guess. the small town looked like it had been covered in snow for days, not a couple of hours…no idea how America deals with all the snow it gets every year. The weather here can be weird. It can be sunny in one town and horribly rainy in the next…no wonder we Brits love to complain about it all the time

The train ride was quiet and fast, as in it past every station until I got to my hometown of Settle and had to wait for my Dad to come and pick me up when it started Hail stoning…the weather is just so indecisive today! eventually he came and he took me home. It feels weird going back to the house that you grew up in after you’ve moved out of it…being a guest and not a resident but everyone goes through it…right? Whilst I was here I wrote my blog on what annoys me about Roman Reigns and why Wrestlemania 31 will suck hard but I’ll still end up buying it on Sky like the sucker I am, then I’ll likely complain about it…even though the outcome is bloody obvious.

It was a football day and Arsenal were able to beat Everton 2-0 and get back some credibility after losing 3-1 to Monaco in the UEFA Champions League, thank god! if they had lost today, then I have no idea how I’d react! they may have won but I don’t think that means much because we were still humiliated this week and I’m scared that the board only thinks 4th is good enough and getting out of the group stages! Wankers!

After that I tried to watch Tottenham Hotspur vs Chelsea in the Capital One Cup final but the stupid weather interfered with the signal and the Television froze…typical, it would all happen on the day of the final so I missed all of the first half but managed to see the 2nd half where Chelsea beat Spurs 2-0. After that I would eventually return back home and as I knocked on the door, Emma appeared wearing a Maid outfit… heels and all, waiting for me with a Green Tea in her hands, someone’s been influenced by Fifty Shades of Grey…enough said but Sunday has been great today, minus the snow…and the travel disruptions but hey, it’s the weekend!

Anyway, that’s all for now…tomorrow’s Monday so I must prepare myself…Cheerio!